Chapter 34

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"Aeris, wake up..."

 The voice sounded so far away, like a hushed whisper just scratching the surface of my consciousness.  Gentle finger tips ran through my hair luring me softly into consciousness.  

The light crept in as I opened my eyes and found a face looking down at me; the same ghost that refused to reveal itself to me fully.  It startled me, a sense of fear awakening quickly until his warm fingers caressed my cheek, replacing fear with calm.

"You're jumpy, my dear," he breathed and I stared, trying to make out his features.  His smooth golden locks were brushed back and there was an air of confidence in his demeanor.  The features of his face still remained hidden from me, but his name spilled from my lips.

"Victor," I murmured sleepily.

"You fell asleep at your desk again," he chuckled, whisking me up into his arms and my hand instinctively found its place cradling his face which was now so close to mine.  This felt normal; like a moment we shared often.

"Do you wish for me to have dinner alone?" he pouted teasingly.

I bit my lip.  "There's just so much work," I apologized.  "I'm buried.  Two more programmers just up and left without a word.  People keep leaving the company and the rest of us have to hustle to get caught up."

"Isn't Tobias working with you?" he asked with an arched brow.

I sighed and shot him an annoyed glance.  "Yes," I muttered in irritation, which only made him chuckle.

"He's not that bad, Aeris." Victor lectured.

"He's nauseating," I moaned.  "Why do you like him so much?"

"He's talented and that makes him an asset."

I rolled my eyes.  "He's not that brilliant," I huffed.

Victor smiled and kissed my forehead.  "No, not quite as brilliant as you, my dear."

I smiled back at him sweetly.  "Maybe there's still time for dinner?"

He grinned victoriously, placing me on my feet and taking my hand.  "Then let's go," he said leading me out of my office

I squeezed his hand giddily, but it disappeared suddenly replacing my tranquil happiness with chaos and fear.  Suddenly, he was gone and I was standing on the bottom floor of InTeque Enterprises while the window blew out from the destruction outside.  Without thought, my feet were beating the ground, running urgently from something as I felt the fear coursing through my veins.  This vision was familiar; I remembered it.

Like before I found myself at the end of the hallway, eyes landing on the storage closet.  His voice echoed like before, "If they find you, they'll kill you!  Im the only one who can protect you!"

I bolted into the storage room again, reliving moment for moment as I passed the BioTeque prototypes to see the large vent on the floor; my hiding spot.  Grabbing the motorized screw driver, I opened the vent and hurried inside, pulling my legs to my chest while I tried to calm my breathing.

"Aeris!" the voice called from outside the storage room door and my heart was pounding so loud I was sure he would find me.  "Where are you?" he called.

I heard the door open and his footsteps slowly paced the closet, searching every crevice.  I froze, a shell of terror and desperation terrified of being found.

Suddenly his hand grasp the vent grate violently and tore if from the wall.

"I've found you," he said darkly, peering into my hiding hole like a cat who found a mouse.  His face continued to elude me with the horror consuming me.

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