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Junkyu POV

I'm tired with all these lies, I kept fooling myself, when I saw Mashiho, all in my eyes just NoA, the Boy I loved, in each beats of my heart there is only Noa, I couldn't forget him and I will never forget him.

I know I was wrong, make a mistake to accepting Mashiho in my life, but I couldn't help but say yes when Mashiho confess his feelings to me, I was stun, shock because his face looks so much like Noa, except for the fact their height are different.

he looks like Noa, their lips, their eyes, their chubby cheeks, their smiles, Mashiho so much looks like him, or it is just my eyes..

I really don't even know now.

I stupidly and immediately answered his feeling, now I regret it already, Because its like I betraying Noa, I cheat on him, although I am not because he.....

I've tried to broke up with Mashiho, but still i can't, his face is very similar to Noa, its not easy to make me broke him, because I always saw Noa in him, its like when I hurt Mashiho, Noa would Hurt too and I don't want to make he cry and hurt because of me..but still I hurt him.

Replacement, my friends always called him that, but I pretend I never cares, the most important thing is I can see Noa's face, although its him, but I can still feels Noa there beside me.

but I don't know why..???, I couldn't be nice to Mashiho, feeling happy if I saw him hurt because of me, I try to be good but I can't, there is deep in my heart, a strange feeling I believe as hatred created for him, because he just appear out of nowhere, make me who try to move one from Noa stand still again, and I just couldn't forget him.. its because of him, if he never appear I would have forget about Noa already.. or move on with someone who his or her face doesn't remind me of Noa..

But its too late and I hate him for that.. I will never try to be a good boyfriend for him, I thought it's enough for me to just see his face, because his character and the body are not Noa, he is Takata Mashiho, and always be, so I do not have to acts like a prince to him, because he just a replacement for Noa to me.

"Kyu ..!!"Mashiho call me softly, interrupted my thoughts

"What do you thinking about..?? " he askquietly, I still silent did not answer him, its useless, I hate his voice, because it sremind me he was not Noa.

his voice different with Noa's, how stupid could I think he was Noa..??,

Only his face, yes .. just that face..I want to see..I don't want to hear.. I just want to see the face I love so much.

"I love you .."he said again, I scoffed, he had countless saying those words, but my heart just for Noa.

"Kyu d-do you l-love me ..??" he stuttered, I just silent for a moment, but a smile appear in my lips as I look at his face.

"Yes .. I love you.. i love you Noa-ah.. will always .. "I whisper to myself.

Mashiho POV

" i love you Noa-ah.. will always " I can hear my heart broke into pieces as I heard those unconscious words from him, how many times he had mention that name in front of my face.

In his silence, in his daydreams even in his sleeps only that name and always be that name.

He had even often called me by that name..exactly whose own that name, the name who make him couldn't forget even let me get hurt because of him.

"baby...does that name..already closed all the doors in your heart, is there not even a space left for me in your heart..?? " I thought.

I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes slowly, expecting a miracle happens. That he will call my name and said that he love me too.. Just me and not him, though only once, please Love me back, because I am not him..and will never be..

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