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"He's a whisper and I'm an echo. I'm a helicopter, he's a pleasant meadow I crash into. If I was a sailboat, then he would be the ocean. Using all that he had to keep us in motion... And God only knows that you were my last straw." Last Straw-Cady Groves

He never got the reasons why I did what I did. The reasons for my actions or what made me tick so to speak. Could it be because he doesn't know all of my past? Or that he just doesn't want to? Maybe this is just how it's supposed to be.

If I trusted him, if I ever got the chance I'd tell him my story, I'd try and recall everything that happened so maybe he would get why I am the way I am. So he could accept me for the scars I have that are still healing and how I got them. For the blood that drips from my broken and beaten heart. That he would accept me for the things I've been through and find that he wouldn't look at me differently because of it. All I could ask for is for him to say, "I get it. I'm sorry for what happened." Because I don't believe he said sorry. I didn't need him to fix it, I just needed him to listen. I'm not sure if he ever realized that.

So this is my chance and I'm taking it. It's better to say something and regret it than to say nothing and wonder what would have happened. I already regretted too much in my life, especially when it came to him. I wasn't going to let it happen again. My whole life I didn't say anything, I'm changing that now. With him, I can't stand wondering about us and where we could be. I have nothing left to lose--for I have already lost you.

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