Chapter 9 So It Begins

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Diana woke with a start. It was still the middle of the night. The candles all around her room were snuffed out perhaps by either Bella or Elain, who no doubt still sat outside her room. The only light came from the large moons which cast their silver beams into her space. She took a moment to catch her breath, her mind rattled and her heart still racing with the memories still fresh within her mind. That experience was etched into her soul. This divine purpose she is meant for, it had to be true A purpose not only she, but many before her, including the grandmaster had shared. Questions, she had so many questions. For Remmus, her parents, but most importantly, him. This Ryan Pesmenos who sauntered into her life so casually to deliver to her this responsibility. She looked down at her pendant, the ruby now dull and unresponsive, but still she felt the faintest hint of a power she was all but oblivious to just a moment ago. And another.

As she closed her eyes she felt another, a similar aura, a similar power. She carefully picked herself out of bed and to the window. She looked out over the dark expanse of the fields and forests. It was him, she was sure. She looked over her shoulder at the door, Bella and Elain perhaps taking shifts keeping watch. They'd surely discover her disappearance if she tried going out there. Her parents, more so the servants, kept a close eye on her especially. She still remembers having to be rescued after nearly a day of searching. She had spent the night in that pit. While they were oblivious to what had really occurred, her mother made it clear she was not to leave the estate properly unsupervised. Elain, as much as she acted as, and was a friend, Diana knew well in part that she was to keep a steady hand upon her, a watchful eye. Her sister is even more so upfront about her role. And both took their job very seriously, especially with Ryan here. So she decided against rushing out there and demanding Ryan to tell her everything she wanted to know. She will have to be patient.

In the meantime, she simply sat in bed, looking at this pendant in her hands, the weight far beyond the physical. She looked it over, no markings or sigils, nothing directly donating magical applications. Pendants such as these were not rare in Torlak, you can buy a proper protection ward at the local pawn shops for rather cheap. With just her normal senses, she could not tell that this was anything more than well-made jewelry. But as she concentrated, an extra sense could latch onto something. Something equally as ethereal as avra, but altogether different, an invisible layer of reality she was all but oblivious to, deep in the core of this pendant. So, she held it before her and attempted to draw out this dormant power. She could feel different conflicting natures responding to her. From the rapidly turning oceans to the burning flames or a thousand suns. Rolling tides of power folding into one another. She was overwhelmed, it was too much and within moments sweat beaded down her face. She felt a sharp pain in her sternum all of a sudden that flared the more she tried to contact these powers. She saw visions and ways of this power's usage through the ages. the sheer scope of this power. Within two minutes of this deep trance, she gave up, panting softly as she looked at this pendant in wonder and intrigue.

It was real, all real, the faintest of smiles dawned upon her. Not one of joy, not necessarily. Purely brought on by a fascination she rarely sees. A quirk of her father, and his upbringing, letting her glimpse at the possibilities. The power of these gods, the wonder. How this power has eluded mankind for so long is lost upon her. She wished to share this with everyone. But then, the words of those great beings tempered her eagerness to do so. The tenants of her people. As magnificent as this power was to behold, it was perhaps too great. Already have Torlak dictated that they shall be the sole employers of magic, its use limited, especially for military use. This power is great, but awful in its reflection of humanity. She took a deep breath and tried again.


Ryan felt the winds stir with a strange feeling. As he meditated in this mausoleum, he felt the presence of the deceased. The power of death subdued the spirits who lingered here. They dare not rise to meet him, meet the very power that holds them to this state. But not all. His eyes flared open as he felt something else. Something human, but not. He stood and walked out of the stone building, looking in the direction that he had felt this presence. Into the trees, he could make out the faintest image of a woman. Dressed in Torlakian garbs, and a hood. It was calling to him in the silent language of the dead. He narrowed his eyes, sure malevolent spirits would not stoop to such ways to just attack. He would indeed be rather disappointed if it was just some cursed spirit that came upon him. But curiosity got the best of him, and he moved to meet with it, nonetheless.

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