Chapter 13 Confront the Self

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Both Kiboa and Diana were in rather sorry states given that nasty trap. Though Diana could stave off its effects somewhat, she was not immune to the toll it ultimately took upon her body. It will take time, even with the health potions, to fit them for any movement. He set them up in a small empty room not too far from the arena, out of the way and unassuming. This place is already far safer now that he dealt with those makhai, though he can not be certain there are no more foes waiting for him. At the very least one. At least they will be out of the way, and Diana far from removed from threats. Kiboa took the worst of it though, with bruises from where his body was mashed against the hardwood floor, perhaps some pulled muscles and fractured bones here or there. Nothing that a health potion or two couldn't fix in a few hours, but far in the way, he may very well become a hindrance if they find their way down to those tunnels.

Can't think of things as of now, I suppose, he sighed as he stood. He rather it be this way, for him ot to worry about others and deal with threats such as these alone. But seeing Diana's determination manifest, to call upon the power of the pendant though she barely could grasp its power. Perhaps she will be a worthwhile asset in this war to come. Even so, perhaps she is made of the same materials that infect the likes of him and Lyse. But today shant be the day for her to put her life in any further danger. He sensed it. This headmaster of the Academy of Liberio is not to be handled carelessly. If either Diana or Kiboa were present, he doubts they would survive. He is rather surprised none tried to take the two of them hostage, helpless as they were. Then again, if any had attempted such a thing, the opportunity to put them down would not be wasted, Ryan assures. So this headmaster is his ordeal, and his alone for the time being.

He looked out the window. An unsettling fog now surrounded the entire dome, obscuring visage to the otherside, and any sort of look into their progress of undoing this accursed barrier. He felt his pendant warm. The power of death was being disturbed. Perhaps Talin is making moves on the other side of this as well. Below him in the courtyard, it appears that the security staff were organizing into units to finally investigate the school itself, and find a solution to their predicament on their end. And among them he saw Phoebe. He can;t be too sure of her innocence. Talin and their trickery. Still the sting lingers of Ethan, the barkeeper and supposed friend who turned a blade upon him the moment he uncovered the truth. And now this Headmistress. Anyone could be a hand of Talin, he surmises. None are innocent unless proven otherwise. He saw the woman look up at him. Her instincts or intuition. Either way she saw nothing but an empty window, as if Ryan could be so careless. Diana and Kiboa's disappearance no doubt raised concerns to search the academy in the first place. When he gets out of here, perhaps she will be the place to start. This land of magic and luxury, it will be tested.


Massia could hardly see, though that was hardly the issue. These men brought back from the plains of Asphodel, spurred by their champion to remember those battles long ago began their slaughter. Many unfortunate lot found themselves within the mist, and within seconds, found themselves fleeing or fighting for their life. Too sudden to call upon the military police, these undead warriors took up spear and sword upon all around them. If not for the occasional hero who wielded effective combat magic, their onslaught would be unabated. But even those few found blades or arrows in the back. Mothers fled as father did their best to hold back these enemies to no avail. The dead ran rampant. It will take too long for a proper response to all of this to be sought by the military police. And so, what else was Massia to do? Once she saw this, the maddening state of it all, the echoing screams of children invading her ears, prying her mind. Even if Gideon or the old crone of the Garden had pleaded against her involvement, she could not refuse their calls. It's simply not in her blood, nor in Vermillia. This fog spurred her from her slumber in the back of Diana's frazzled mind. And she too felt her undead kin, nearly mindless before her.

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