Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: (Ryder's POV)

I woke up the next morning in Mia's bed since we decided to head up to her room after chilling downstairs for a while but found her gone. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to see the time. It was currently 10:35 in the morning. I went downstairs to find her making some tea for herself and some coffee for me. "Morning." I said as I walked up behind her and kissed her cheek while I wrapped my arms around her waist. 

"Morning." she said as she turned around, handed me my coffee. 

"Everything good?" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why she was acting a little off and how she was up and ready since normally at this time, we're just chilling in bed. "Mm-hmm." she nodded her head as she avoided eye contact with me. 

"Alright babe. Tell me what's up." I said as I lifted her up and placed her on the kitchen counter while I stood in between her legs. "You are about to get very mad at me." she breathed.

"I'll try not to. But you have to tell me. I cannot have you acting this way for the rest of the day." I kissed the top of her head. "I didn't just wake up early for no reason. I uh-" she gulped. "I went to the diner to go and see Shane." she told me. I was a little upset that she didn't tell me that she was gonna go but not too much. "Can I know why?" I questioned.

"He uh- he called me last night. He said that he- he has another way for you to get out of the gang. He told me he wanted to see me." she said hesitantly. I stayed quiet, waiting for her to continue. "He said that I can help you get out if you let me. He thinks I should talk to your boss." she finished with a sigh. That son of a bitch. He wants me to risk her life and send her there to meet the scariest guy in this town? "You cannot meet that guy. I cannot let you do that and risk your life like that. There's no way that I am letting you meet that guy. You don't know anything about him, you have no idea how dangerous he is." I explained to her getting a little angry.

"I know that his name is Charles Dominic. He's a 48 year old man who has a wife and had a son named Theo who was 17 years old and was killed working with his father. I know that he doesn't just want you working for him for the drugs and the dealing but also because he trusts you more than others in the gang. I know that his family means the most to him and he keeps working like this to get money and keep his wife as safe as possible. I know the gang was handed to him from his father so he was forced to keep it as a legacy. I know he treats you as a son but the others in the gang don't like you as much cause he doesn't treat others that way. And I think if he cares for you enough then he'll let you quit and won't hurt you or me." she finished with a breath. That fucker Shane really told her everything didn't he?

"What you don't know is that he is the most wanted person in this whole city. He has killed hundreds of people, plenty right in front of me. He shows no mercy when someone does something against his orders or his will. That he held a gun to my mom's head when I refused to join. That he has sent others to tell me that they'll shoot you in the head if you play any part in me leaving. That he holds a soft spot for me because I always do as he says." I said getting more and more furious. "Well don't you think that soft spot might help him understand that you shouldn't be the one paying this debt off?" she asked as she placed her hand on my cheek. "Don't you think that if Shane gave you this idea, he'll have it work in his favor and not mine?" I asked obviously. 

"Maybe he really is just here to help?" she suggested that thought again.

"Or maybe he's just here to get me stuck in this deeper than I already am?" I raised my voice a little. "Ryder, I really do think that me talking to Charles will help. He loves someone too don't you think he would understand why I'm getting involved or why I care so much?" she asked.

"I know he will. I also know that he understands why I beg for him to leave you out of this but I also know that he will keep you out of this as long as I do what he says. And he says I have to stay. At least until I pay the debt off." I sighed in frustration.

"So what you're always just gonna do what he says? After you pay the debt off, what if he tells you stay forever?" she raised her voice a little now.

"Then I'll stay forever because it means that you will be safe. I'm not that scared for my mom because she's gonna be moving to San Diego with her boyfriend after they get engaged. She'll be safe. But you won't." I tried explaining to her.

"But you will. Ryder, this is not about me. This is about you." she emphasised.

"This is about us. This is about me keeping you safe." I argued.

"You won't need to keep me safe if I speak to him and he understands!" she said firmly.

"But I will if he doesn't and goes all furious and hulk on us." I scoffed.

"But you will be safe!" she yelled.

"Mia, if I wanted to be safe, I would be leaving after my mom moves. But I am not leaving you in danger!" I too now yelled. "You are not going to speak to him, Mia. You can get killed!"

"But you can get out of the gang!" she screamed.

"You're willing to die if it means that I get to have a normal life again?" I asked genuinely surprised. "Yes!" she immediately answered.

"Mia, I'm in the gang right now and we're doing fine!" I argued.

"Ryder. When you come home from dealing, I can't run to see you because they will see me. I have to sit here those two nights that you leave, terrified and not knowing whether I will ever see you again! How is that fine?" she yelled.

"Mia, this is not how relationships work. One does not sit and let the other get killed so they get something out of it!"

"Well one does not let the other stay in a life threatening situation either!" we both yelled, arguing back and forth. "Well then this relationship just isn't gonna work is it?" I yelled.

"Well you can break up with me right now, but that will not stop me from going and speaking to him because you don't need to be my boyfriend for me to love you!" she pushed me back.

"Mia, if you go and see him and it doesn't work out and he kills you, I will never forgive myself and I will never see you again. If he kills me, you will never see me either. So I'd rather work for someone if it means I get to see you and be with you and kiss you." I said as my eyes teared up a little bit at the thought of losing her. "Ryder I can't sit here and do nothing to help! What if my dad pays off your debt? Or-or what if Crystal does?" she questioned frantically. "She's a lawyer, maybe she can help with your dad too?"

"Your family will never let me see you if they find out I'm in a gang." I shook my head as I held her hands. "Ryder. I am going to see him in a week. You can come with me or you can stay here." she said. "Mia, don't go. Please, I am begging you." I begged her, down on my knees while tears slipped down my face. "Ryder, I love you." she kneeled down in front of me and hugged me tightly while crying too. "I love you too. Which is why you're not going alone." I breathed and began to calm down a little. This god damn stubborn girl that I'm in love with.

Wait. I'm in love with?


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