Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: (Mia's POV)

Well, I don't know what just happened but he's out of the gang. I think. Right? Yeah, yeah he has to be. We were now in my garage, grabbing the art supplies when Ethan came running down the street, and into my garage. "G-guys, you. You-" he panted, struggling to put his words together because of how out of breath he was. "Whoa, take a breath buddy." Ryder laughed while I stood still, getting a little nervous. "Shut up bro. Ryder, you gotta get out of here. You gotta go back home." Ethan panted. I have no idea what the hell is going on but I'm getting more and more worried. "Wait what? Why?" I asked, joining in on the conversation with curiosity.

"A-a couple of Charles's men are on the way to your house and they'll be here in about 7 minutes." he breathed as he glanced at his watch. "And if you're not there then your mom will have to deal with them." he added on. Oh god, this can't be good. We have to make sure his mom is ok. "Why are they coming to my house though?" Ryder asked him confused.

"Why wouldn't they? They show up randomly sometimes don't they?" Ethan questioned.

"Well Charles kind of just showed up at my house and um- Ryder's gonna be out." I explained.

"Out of the gang?" Ethan asked in disbelief which Ryder and I nodded to.

"Does that mean that Daniel and I get out too?" he asked confused while I stood there in confusion. "Yeah, you guys too. Basically, they joined because I had to and Charles agreed to let them go whenever they wanted." Ryder turned to me and explained.

"Hey buddy, I hate ruin your moment but um- they're gonna be here in 5 minutes so you should get outta here." Ethan interrupted and reminded Ryder.

"I can't leave Mia alone. Someone needs to be here with her." Ryder sighed.

"I already called Grace and I'll stay with her until she gets here but go." he said as pushed Ryder to the exit a little. "I'm coming to see you tonight." he said before he quickly kissed my lips before sprinting out and into his house. "We gotta get you inside." Ethan said before grabbing everything from my hands and placing it back where it was before grabbing my wrist and taking me inside.

We were sitting in my living room while Ethan scrolled through netflix to see what movie we could watch. Then I asked him a few questions that have been on my mind for a little while. "Ethan, are you and Grace like a thing?" I asked, making him visibly stiffen a little. He turned to me before saying, "About that. I um- I've kind of been wanting to ask her on a-a date but I have no idea how. Can you maybe help?" he asked as a blush crept up on his face while he looked down at his hands.

"Well, you're lucky she's told me how she would want someone to ask her out. So it's pretty simple. Show up at her door, without telling her with sunflowers, not roses, she hates them and bring her chocolates and a teddy and tell her how you feel and then ask her if she would like to go on a date with you. That's pretty much sums it up." I explained to him while he smiled. "Also, dress a little nice. Not too much but just a button up with some trousers should be good." I added, while he nodded in understanding.

"You clearly have another question bothering you so just spit it out." he chuckled a little while I looked down at the ground. "How did Grace react when you told her you're in a gang?" I questioned. "Well, first she didn't talk to me for almost a month. Then I tried for weeks to get her to talk to me again and then finally we sat down and talked about it and figured it out." he explained casually. "So we're just not gonna talk about the fact that you guys act like a married couple right?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes down at him.

"Bitch where? We haven't even kissed." he glared at me.

"You liar! I've seen you guys kiss! Even at the party." I raised an eyebrow at him challengingly. "Guilty." he looked down in embarrassment before my doorbell rang, suggesting that Grace was here. I went and opened the door. "So you decided to ring the doorbell instead of letting yourself in this time?" I asked while laughing as I let her in.

"Ethan here?" she asked while walking in.

"Yes mam." I said while walking up to my room to leave her with Ethan for a little bit before he left.

x-X-x 6 hours later

6 hours. It's been 6 freaking hours. I came up to my room 6 hours ago, leaving Grace and Ethan to talk for a few minutes and it's been 6 hours, and she's still downstairs and Ethan's still here. And I don't wanna know what the hell they're doing.

x-X-x 4 hours later

4 hours. It's been 4 freaking more hours and they are still downstairs together. It's currently 10:30pm. What the fuck? Just as I was lying in bed reading, killing time, there was a knock at my door. "Heya. Sorry I didn't come up here." Grace peered her head in from my bedroom door.

"It's ok. We can hangout some other time." I shrugged and sat up in bed.

"I um- I'm gonna head out with him now. I'll see you later." she said before we said goodbye and I saw them both out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they just had a date at my house. Right? Once they left, I hopped into the shower. Then I did what everyone does in the shower. Clean up, wash my hair, danced and sang and thought of better things I could have said in past arguments. I wrapped a towel around myself before stepping out and throwing on some shorts and a hoodie.

Then I towel dried my hair and came into my room with a sigh. I grabbed the book that I was reading earlier before walking over to my side of the bed since I was lying on Ryder's, to keep the book on my nightstand when I heard someone whisper in my ear. "Hands up." while I felt something touch my waist. Obviously, assuming it was a gun since the person decided to say 'hands up' I put my book down and put my hands up, surrendering while my heart began racing.

So someone just breaks in right after Grace and Ethan leave? Great. I was about to scream when his hand clamped over my mouth. "Shh." he whispered, giving me chills and making me close my eyes tightly. I then felt the guy pin me up against the wall, with his hand still clamped over my mouth. Oh my fucking god. Please save me here, I'm really hoping Ryder swings in right about now. I then felt him remove his hand from my mouth, only to be replaced by his lips. And the kiss felt familiar. That asshole. I snapped my eyes open and kissed him back before pushing him off of me. "You bitch ass!" I yelled as I shoved him and let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared the shit out of me, Ryder." I breathed deeply.

"Sorry babe." he laughed before kissing me again.

This is the fucking guy I'm in love with.

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