Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: (Mia's POV)

He hung up and then closed his curtains. So that's it? It's over? He's just gonna leave like that? That too because we don't trust the same people? Fucking bullshit. I redialed his number but he didn't pick up. I tried again and he still didn't pick up. That fucking douche bag. I'm not fucking giving up on us this time. I'm not letting him walk out this time. So I did what nobody in their right mind would do. I sat on the branch that lies between us and unlocked his window before opening his curtains and stepped into his room. He was lying on his bed with his hands over his face, and I don't know if I was hallucinating but I think he was crying. I cleared my throat, making him remove his hands and his eyes snap open. 

He sniffed before looking me in the eyes. "What are you doing here? How did you get in?" he asked as he wiped away the tears, trying to hide them. "I unlocked your window. Don't look at me like that you're the one that taught me." I said, as I got my shit together and sat down next to him at the foot of his bed. I'm not letting us fall apart again. "Ryder. Don't do this. We can work our way out. I can learn to trust the people you do." I pleaded, trying to make him understand that we can fix this and stay together. "Mia, I know you can but I can't." he shook his head before putting his elbows on his knees and resting his head in his hands. "Jeremy especially. He manipulates people, Mia and he'll probably manipulate you too. I don't know how much he cares about you but I do know that he manipulates everyone he can in order to get what he wants." he explained to me softly.

"So we're done?" I asked and I'm sorry. I am so fucking sorry but I can't fight it anymore. If he wants to break up then I can't hold him back. And I'm not letting him go, I'm going to get him back but at least for now, I have to let him go. "For now, yes." he nodded as he looked at me. "Ok." I sucked in a breath before getting up to get out of his window and just as I was about to throw my leg over the window, his voice stopped me. "Can I get one last kiss?" he asked as he stood up and I took in his whole appearance. His hair looked messy, his eyes were red and puffy, he looked drained. "You can." I slowly nodded before taking a step closer to him while he took one closer to me. 

I stood on my toes and slowly leaned in and pressed my lips to his for a few moments but then pulled away because he wants it to be over and the longer I stay here, the harder it'll get for us both. "Goodbye Ryder." I whispered but before I could turn around he said, 

"Don't say that. I'll see you soon, Mia. Promise." he said, making a small smile find its way to my face. I pushed myself and got back to my room and quickly locked my window and drew the curtains. Then I sat down on my bed and had an hour long sobbing session for my heartbreak and then I called Grace. "Hey what's up?" she said as she picked up the phone.

"Grace, can you come over for a little bit?" I requested but it came out more like a sob.

"What's wrong?" she asked as I heard her grab her keys and start the car.

"Ryder broke up with me." I said just above a whisper.

"I'll be over in 15." she said before hanging up. At least I have Grace.

x-X-x 15 minutes later

"What the hell happened?" she asked as soon as I opened the front door, letting her in.

"Come on in. I'll explain everything." I said as she walked in and we walked up and into my room.

"Spill." she said as I sat on the foot of my bed while she stood in front of me.

x-X-x an hour later

I told her everything. From how Ryder told me he is in a gang and how that was why he broke up with me earlier and then how Charles showed up at my house after he officially asked me to be his girlfriend and then how we were safe as long as we didn't see each other during the day, how Jeremy said he wanted to see me and I said no but he just showed up at my door and Ryder saw us and then he said how we can't trust each other if we don't trust the same people and then how he said that we were done and over for now, at least. 

And now if I think about it, Charles is probably more trustworthy than Jeremy but I just can't picture Jeremy doing something to hurt me. I didn't exactly like him because he was a little clingy friend but I don't think he would ever hurt me and if he does want to hurt Ryder then I'm sure I can convince him not to. Grace then, interrupted my thoughts after silence. "Who the hell does he think he is? Breaking up and getting back together with you whenever he wants and whenever it suits him?" Grace yelled. You see, everyone has a friend who they go to for spontaneous and adventurous decisions and advice and then a friend who is more logical. Harper is the logical one but she is currently on vacation with Daniel while Grace is here.

"Look, there's no point criticizing him because what's done is done. What do we do now? I'm not letting him go this time because he didn't want to end it but he had to and he regretted it, I could see it in his eyes. So how do I get him back?" I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. She took a moment to think as she looked around my room. Before suddenly, it was like a light bulb went off in her head. "Well it's simple. Now, in my defense, I'm your crazy, stupid and spontaneous friend so my advice has no logic to it. But since he hates Jeremy so much, you can use Jeremy to get back at him and since Jeremy is still in love with the she-devil barbie Bella, he'll probably agree but you can ask him to pretend to go out with you. To make Ryder and Bella jealous. It's like two birds with one stone?" she suggested but it came out more like a question. "So I'm guessing this can go either really right or really wrong?" I questioned while she guiltily nodded her head, agreeing.

"I'll take my chances." I huffed after taking a moment to think about it. Well you see, Jeremy is still undeniably in love with the she-devil barbie Bella and I am still undeniably in love with Ryder so if Jeremy does agree and we manage to make Ryder and Bella believe that Jeremy and I are dating, then we can make then jealous and maybe Ryder will come back to me? 

He has to. God, I'm really hung up on this boy. "Call Jeremy and ask if he can come over to meet while I go and grab some clothes for you." she said as she handed me my phone which was on the desk before walking into my closet. Jeremy picked up after two rings which was pretty fast.

"Um, hey Jeremy. Can you maybe come over? I know we met a little while ago but I wanted to see you and speak to you about something." I requested while shaking my head no and mouthing 'too much' to a red dress that Grace held up. "Um, yeah sure, I'll be there in 30." he said before we said bye and I hung up since he lived kind of far from me.

Grace then pulled out a black lace crop top with some denim shorts, shoving them in my face.

"Go change. Now." she demanded.

"Geez. Yes mam." I nodded before taking the clothes and going into my bathroom.

What the hell am I about to do?

This is not the plot twist. If that's what you thought, you have another thing coming for you. 

Ryder's really gonna regret breaking up with her huh? :p

I mean is Jeremy really still in love with she-devil barbie Bella?

Maybe. Maybe not. ;)

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