It's All A Game

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You fiddled with the ruffles on your skirt anxiously as you walked down the hallways. You had no idea where you were going, but a part of you hoped you were going in the opposite direction of the princes room. Maybe you could even find an exit, go back to village, gather the people you cared about and leave. A faint smile came to your lips at the idea but was quickly washed away as you saw two figures leaning against a door at the end of the hall.

One of them looked up at your nearing footsteps and raised their eyebrows, "Wow, Florence outdid herself this time." He breathed.

You looked at the ground, continuing to mess with the skirt until you felt a hand under your chin. It moved your face to meet with theirs as two blue eyes pierced you.

"Now (Y/n). Allow us to see the full extent of Florence's work and look at us." Connor commanded as his gaze traveled down your body. He let go of your chin and both him and Aiden walked around you a few times, not saying anything. Your body shook in anger and embarrassment before you turned to look at them.

"You done?" You snapped, feeling violated in a way and wanting to have your old clothes on.

Aiden raised his eyebrows at you, "Did...(Y/n) just...snap at us, brother?"

Connor looked at you coldly, "Yes it appears she did. I don't think that should go unpunished, do you?"

Aidens eyes sparkled with something you couldn't place, "No I don't."

Your eyes widened, "Wait no, I'm sorry. Don't do anything please!" You went to grab Connors arm, but he swiftly stepped back.

"Tsk, tsk. We'll have to train you well." Connor said, pushing a stray lock of hair out of his face. "Hearing you lash out makes me quite sad."

You quietly looked at the ground, knowing arguing would put you in an unwanted situation, and you didn't want your anger to get you or your friends hurt.

"Ah, she's learning already," Aiden said patting your head, "Good job little puppy."

You flinched at the contact and the name he called you but held your tongue again.

"Now, should we go over the rest of todays schedule with our dear maid brother?" Connor asked as he placed a hand on your right arm, causing you to look at him.

"Why of course, she should know after all." Aiden replied, placing his hand on your left. They led you through the door and into what you presumed was their room. All you saw was a comfortable living space.

To the left was a fireplace with a dwindling fire and across from it a worn looking leather couch. On the far-right wall was a row of bookcases and two suits of armor. In the corner you saw two chairs arranged around a chessboard that looked as if it had been stopped mid-game. Squinting your eyes, you saw every piece except the white queen. The boys ushered you through a door across from the first, and continued to push you until you practically fell face first onto a plush bed.

You rearranged yourself, sitting on the bed, and glared, "Was that really necessary?" You angrily asked.

Aiden shrugged, "I quite enjoyed the view for a few moments, didn't you brother."

Connor smirked, "Oh, of course."

You felt yourself shake in anger as you poured all of your negative emotions into a hard glare.

"My, My (Y/n). That's quite a feisty look you've got there," Connor said as he sat on your left of the bed, "It almost makes me think that you don't want to be here."

"Nonsense brother. She wants to be here. She knows that her friends' lives are saved since she's here." Aiden explained as he gracefully sat on your right.

"You don't have to threatened me," You growled, "but is your bedroom really necessary?" You placed your hands in your lap and stared at them.

Aiden looked at you questioningly, "Why? Is there something wrong? Our room is quite comfortable, I assure you."

You felt weight on your shoulder and looked over to see Connors head resting against it.

"You're quite comfortable too (Y/n)." He whispered and you abruptly stood up.

Connor caught himself from face-planting onto the bed and looked at you coldly.

"I'll stand thank you." You said curtly as you crossed your arms.

Aiden let out a low laugh before nodding, "Suit yourself dear. Now, for your tasks."

You sighed and gave him your attention.

"So, in about an hour we'll have to leave to go to fencing practice. Then afterwards we have a quick meeting with an ambassador and then will be attending dinner with him." Aiden listed as he counted off on his fingers.

"Okay, well, what does that have to do with me?" You asked. "I'm your maid, not your shadow."

Connor smiled at your annunciation of the word, "No dear (Y/n), you're not. However, our living area is in need of cleaning, not to mention the fireplace needs to be cleaned out, and our laundry needs to be taken down to the laundry room. That is what has to do with you."

You eyed him, not giving off any of your emotions, "All in the time you just said?" you asked.

Aiden smirked, "All in that time. If not, a punishment will be incurred. We'll let you chose between things, but ultimately it all falls on you to make sure that doesn't happen."

You were at your limit, "How long even is that?!" You cried out, trying to piece it together in your head.

Connor leaned back, "Oh I'd say about four hours."

Your mouth hung open, "Four hours?! That's ridiculous!"

Aiden stood up and came towards you, "I'd say enough considering the stunt you pulled in the hallway. Not enough time my dear?" He rested his hand on your shoulder before pulling you into him. "We'd be willing to extend it...if you did something for us." He whispered into your ear.

You felt your cheeks get red for what seemed like the hundredth time today as you shoved him away from you. "No!'

Aiden fell back on the bed looking stunned for a moment before shrugging, "Suit yourself. Connor and I will have to go in a few minutes and then you can start."

You felt yourself breathing heavily as you looked at the ground. How would you clean an entire room, a fireplace, and take clothing somewhere you'd never been in four hours.

"Aw, she's panicking already." You heard Connor say as he shifted to lean forward towards you. "Its not that bad dear."

You turned away from him and started walking back towards the first room you'd entered, ready to scream in frustration. Connor mumbled a string of curses behind you, but you chose to ignore them. You sat on the couch for a minute trying to collect your thoughts before the twins left.

How do I do this? Deep breaths (Y/n), it's a test. You can beat it, just stay calm. Footsteps brought you out of your thoughts are you turned to see the two brothers in front of you, their suits now traded for fencing gear.

"Now (Y/n), once we leave the room you're allowed to begin." Aiden said, looking for any sort of negativity in your face.

"You have until we pass through the door to take us up on the time extension though." Connor said as he bent down to be eye-level with you.

You looked at him straight in the eye, "Go to h*ll."

His eyes flashed in anger for a second before he brought his hand across your face. Shock prevented you from registering what had happened for a few seconds before holding your cheek and glaring at him.

Connor turned on his heel and walked out the door, "Come on brother."

Aiden glanced at you one more time before following him out. And just like that, you were left alone in the room with a long list of things that needed to be done. 

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant