Regret and Rethink

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The fork you had just picked up clattered to the table as you stared at both of them.

"My masquerade...?" You repeated, concern lacing your voice.

Connor nodded as he moved your fork onto a napkin and started piling more food onto your plate.

"Whatever for?!" You cried, staring at the food Connor was continuously placing on your plate.

"Well..." Aiden said, pursing his lips for a moment, "My brother and I have come to the decision that we really do like you. So much to the point that we love you (Y/n). The masquerade will be held the day after our 20th  birthday. Once we reach 20 we become the kings, and we get to choose queens."

You felt the color draining from your face, and you instantly regretted eating any food.

"But," Connor continued, "We've come to the conclusion that we're only going to choose one queen." He looked up at you, smiling, "You."

You stood up, causing the table to shift, "No! No, I will not agree to this! I can handle being your maid, but I will not, will not, be your queen, your toy, or anything else you want me to be." You felt as if the world was tilting beneath you.

"(Y/n)...I don't think you understand. It wasn't a question; we were informing you of what's happening. The masquerade will be thrown as a celebration of you saying yes, and that night you'll become the queen of this kingdom."

You could hear the blood roaring in your ears, "Surely you cant! You said you both loved me! You cant share right? It has to be one of you...!" You hoped to potentially turn the brothers against each other.

The brothers shared a confused look, "(Y/n)," Connor said, "We shared a womb, a childhood, toys, and a kingdom, surely we can share a woman."

You shook your head, not believing what was happening.

"Besides, I've heard that sometimes, two lovers are better than just one." Aiden added with a glint in his eye.

"I-I won't accept this!" You yelled, the anger inside you overflowing. "I don't want this! You've known me for two days! Two days! Love is a large word to be throwing around so soon!"

Connor chuckled, "We've been watching you for a while (Y/n). Not everyone in the village is who they seem."

Your mouth moved but no words came out. In a single moment the world had come crashing down and you felt as if you would suffocate under it. 

Oh Micah, You thought, how are you getting me out of this one?

"I can't say I'm happy about your objection to the matter" Aiden sighed as he looked at you annoyedly, "But it isn't up for discussion. Connor and I have decided it."

You shook your head again, "You decided it without consulting me! I'll run away, I-I'll...." You backed away, but Aiden caught your wrist.

'Now Dear (Y/n), I think you know what happens if you try anything like that. The stable boy, the seamstress's assistant, your friends, they'd all pay for that mistake."

"Let me go!" You screamed as you tugged at his grip, but instead of breaking free, you pulled him out of his chair, causing you two to crash to the ground.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before he looked down at you and smirked, "Well now, a little eager aren't we? Save it for two weeks my dear, although...its very tempting to think about such a thing right now." He murmured as his gaze trailed along your figure.

You shook in both fear and anger, "Prince Aiden. Get off of me." You commanded as you pushed against his chest.

"No my dear, I quite like the view," He touched his forehead to yours, "I'm glad we found you. You really are beautiful."

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