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Connor and Aiden sat up, watching your sleeping form. The sunlight was filtering in through the window, lighting the room up.

"How long has it been since we've truly been excited for a day to come?" Connor murmured as he looked at you lovingly.

Aiden sighed and leaned his head back, "Too long."

You sighed and mumbled something in your sleep, but neither brother could hear it.

"What jewel should we put in her crown?" Connor thought aloud and tapped a finger to his chin. "Diamonds are too mainstream nowadays. She's a rarity, so the jewel should reflect that."

Aiden nodded silently as he tenderly pulled a few strands of hair out of your face. "It should be (f/c). She seems to really like that color."

It was Connors turn to nod before he stretched and carefully got off the bed.

"It almost feels like a dream." Aiden said, his gaze still on you, "I've imagined today in every thought I've had, but now it's here..."

Connor smiled as he grabbed a set of clothing sitting on the chair, "By the end of the night, she'll be ours." He hugged the clothing as if it was you. "All of our hard work will pay off in a few hours."

Aiden nodded and silently heard his brother change into his suit. You were so mesmerizing even while you were asleep.

"You should get changed. We have to oversee everything this morning." Connor advised as he came up beside his brother.

Aiden glanced at you one more time before nodding and getting up.

"What's our degree of leniency today?" He inquired as he slipped his arms through the jacket.

Connor hummed for a moment before smiling, "None. If there is any mistake, we'll just eliminate the root of the problem."

Aiden returned the smile and placed a hand on the door, "Shall we?"

Connor looked you over one more time before turning to the door.


The sunlight hit your face, causing you to grumble and turn over however no matter which way you turned the light always hit you.

"Stupid light." You mumbled as you slowly opened your eyes and looked around.

Your room was empty and quiet. No twin was in sight.

You raised your eyebrows. How long had it been since you had been truly left alone without having to pull something to get the twins to leave.

Yawning, you slid off the bed and made your way to the bathroom. You could finally take a shower in peace. The sound of the running water relaxed you as you silently took you shower. You got dressed again and brushed your hair, looking at yourself in the mirror.

You truly had changed...to the point that you wondered if your parents and friends would recognize you. You looked like a shell of your former self. You sat down the brush in disgust and walked back into your bedroom.

You had no idea when the masquerade would start today. The twins hadn't mentioned much of a schedule to you so you were left with silently waiting in your room.

Time seemed to tick by slowly. You had been reading and slowly watching the suns path in the sky. You glanced at the door and furrowed your brow. You didn't want to risk angering the princes or bring attention to yourself so you really didn't have any other choice but to stay in your room, but the lack of the twins presence was weird.

After a while, the door to your bedroom opened. You glanced up and jumped at the unfamiliar face standing in your doorway.

"Please excuse my intrusion Miss, but the princes have sent me to give you a message."

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now