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Chaeyoung saw him. He was standing, waiting for her patiently even when she went out late on purpose. Jungkook was still waiting. And it made everything so confusing. Why was he doing that? Why would he do that?

Without wasting any more time, she tried her best not to whirl around to look at him when she went straight to Namjoon's car. She prayed that he wouldn't call her name, she prayed so that he wouldn't follow her and tell her to turn around because if he did, she was afraid that she wouldn't even hesitate to obey and that didn't look right. Once she was inside the car, she breathed out heavily, as though she had been holding it for a day.

Chaeyoung busily tried to see if she could see Jungkook from the side mirror as Namjoon started to slip out of the parking space. She couldn't see him, and slowly, she took out her small mirror from inside of her wristlet, pretended to look at her makeup when she was actually trying to see if Jungkook was still waiting.

Jungkook was facing Namjoon's moving car before he looked down, and even when it was already moving far away from him, Chaeyoung could feel his disappointment. She kept the mirror back into the wristlet, and leaned her head against the window before she fully realized that there was someone else sitting next to her. Her eyes widened when she realized who it was.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, annoyed as she was reminded what he had done to her.

Taehyung looked at her with calmness on his face. "I need to go to the clinic." He wiped off his runny nose briefly with his sleeve and leaned back, closing his eyes.

With a heavy sigh, Chaeyoung crossed her arms over her chest after resting the wristlet on her lap as she resisted the tempting feeling of kicking the seat in front of her where Jennie was seated, feeling betrayed that her friend was letting Taehyung joined them. At least, Jennie should have told her that Taehyung would be joining even though it would be on the very last minute.

"If I knew you're here..." she muttered and let it trail off as she rolled her eyes, looking out the window. She was actually considering accepting Jungkook's offer instead, but it was too late.

"If you knew, what were you going to do?" Taehyung asked. "Get a cab? Skip your work? You're going that far?"

Get in Jungkook's car, maybe.

Chaeyoung remained silent for a few while as she chewed on her bottom lip, her mind was occupied with Jungkook and the guilt she felt for leaving him there. One part of her told her that she shouldn't feel so guilty for what she did, she did tell him not to wait for her anyway and that was up to him for being so stubborn. Then, there was that part of her that pitied him, the little gesture he made when he watched the car moved farther made her heart twist uncomfortably.

She felt a soft buzz from her wristlet, her hand slowly reached to fish the device out. Chaeyoung's eyes locked onto the wordings on the screen as soon as she swiped to bring it back to life.

Kookie: I said I'd wait.

A soft sigh escaped her slightly parted lips. She took a while to stare at the message and contemplated over the option of replying him an apology. Should she send it or should she leave the message without a respond?

Taehyung suddenly sneezed next to her and Namjoon cursed loudly, saying things like the back of his head was contaminated before both men laughed.

"You shouldn't have let him tag along," Chaeyoung said, eliminating any amount of sympathy she had for either man.

Namjoon scoffed, turning around for one second just to talk to her. "This is my car so I can let anyone I approve to tag along. If you don't like that idea, I can drop you off here."

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