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She had been thinking a lot over Jungkook and his worry. It had slowly grew in her that she had started worrying so much, so much that it was getting harder for her to get a sleep. Talking to Jungkook on the phone didn't help to completely rid the shared worry that had been swirling inside her head. There was no debating when Chaeyoung texted him first to ask him what he was doing and despite the smile she had on her face when he called her instead of replying to her text, she was still bothered by his dream.

They talked for quite some time on the phone, topics were mostly about recent songs they enjoyed and each of them sang to each other; she sang to him a small portion of the song if he hadn't heard of it and vice versa. It was like back to square one, when they were strangers to each other who were about to learn about one another. It was a wonderful feeling nevertheless, and every single time he called out her name through the phone with a soft and warm voice, sometimes it was almost melodic and soothing, it made her smile nonstop to the point that she had to bite her lip to stop herself.

When the call finally ended, she released a long sigh and the longing for him just doubled in an instant. She put her phone away, and her eyes stared straight ahead at her closet. For a split second, she wondered what it was that was making her uneasy but then it clicked almost immediately when she was reminded of the dress Taehyung had bought for her to wear during Namjoon's proposal in a few days.

Namjoon's proposal reminded her of weddings, and weddings reminded her of what Jungkook's dream was.

She wanted some clarity before the worst could happen. The longer she sat on her bed, the more uneasy she felt. Chaeyoung slid off the bed and stepped out of her bedroom once she grabbed her purse. She took her car key with her and headed to Taehyung's house.


Jungkook heard his doorbell was ringing endlessly while he was just out of his shower. Just as he wrapped his towel around his lower body, his phone rang in his bedroom. He rushed out and literally threw himself on the bed to reach his phone on the bedside table. It was Chaeyoung and at the same time he slid his thumb to answer her call, he looked at his door, slowly standing up straight.

"Chaeyoung?" he said quickly to the phone.

"Please open the door," she breathed and Jungkook didn't need to be told twice as he practically ran while holding his towel to not let it fall.

His hand slammed onto the doorknob and he pulled the door open, his breath stuck to his throat and his hand that was holding the phone fell to his side upon seeing Chaeyoung's face damped with fresh tears and her eyes were red.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly, his free hand reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Come inside."

She was holding on her breath and choked on her sobs in the doorway. Lowering her head, he felt her body slightly shook as she cried there. She said something incoherently and Jungkook furrowed his brows, trying to listen closely to know what she was talking about but he failed. He lowered his head as he stroked her hair.

"It's true, Jungkook," she said as he looped an arm around her shoulder to drag her inside.

Confused, Jungkook put his phone on the small table next to the door quickly and turned his attention on her immediately. "What's true?" he asked just before he pushed her gently to take a seat on the couch. Jungkook sat next to her with his arm was still on her shoulder. When Chaeyoung wouldn't say anything, despite the curiosity rising up within him, Jungkook just squeezed her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

He held his breath when she leaned her head on his shoulder and her arms began to find his waist. They sat there doing nothing but pulling each other close as she sobbed quietly. It was minutes later when she finally calmed down that she pulled herself away from him, and he reluctantly let it happen as he took his arm off her shoulder as well.

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