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Jungkook woke up to an empty space beside him on the bed. He woke up to Chaeyoung's bedroom without her anywhere in sight as well. He walked around her apartment, trying to see if she was at the living room or in the kitchen or sitting in the balcony serenading the day with her guitar and her sweet, beautiful voice, but she was not around. Jungkook then dragged his feet to go back to bed, buried his face into the pillow at the side she always slept on, taking in the sweet scent of her.

Eventually, he got up and went into the shower, taking his time to enjoy the warmth of the water sliding down his skin. He walked out in his towel draping his waist down, taking his brief, v neck plain white shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants from the top of her drawers before the door to her bedroom slowly opened, her head peeking in.

Chaeyoung looked slightly startled when their eyes met and Jungkook laughed in response, causing her to laugh as well in return as she waltzed on the floor on her way to the bed.

"Where were you?" he asked, pulling the pants up as he looked at her from the mirror of her dressing table – she was sitting on the bed behind him.

She grinned at him, cheeks swelling up and Jungkook couldn't help but grin back with an addition of a chuckle escaping.

"Somewhere," she replied simply. "I had something to settle."

While Jungkook was pulling the shirt over his head, he furrowed his brows slightly at her when he noticed that her grin hadn't yet disappeared, forever hanging onto that beautiful face, his favorite beautiful face.

"What?" he asked with a smile almost breaking on his face. A smirk then made its way onto his face as he teased her, "You can say it, you know."

"Say what?" she quirked an eyebrow, her head angled slightly to the side.

"That I am too handsome."

Chaeyoung giggled, her head fell to the back before her body collapsed onto the bed.

"What? You don't think I am handsome?" He whipped his body around dramatically before stepping towards her, and when he reached her, he bent down. Hands dipping into the mattress on each side of her body and his body hovered over hers. "You don't think I am handsome?" he repeated teasingly, attacking her neck with ticklish soft kisses and she squirmed underneath him, giggles doubled with squeals slipping in every layer of her laughter.

He pulled back after one good minute of that and the wide smile painted on Chaeyoung's face was so beyond beautiful as she tried to catch her breath. Her palms went to plant themselves on his cheek and his shoulder respectively, and her eyes locked on his for one long yet beautiful moment. "I think you are definitely handsome."

Jungkook had to admit that no one's compliment would be on the same level as hers. There was just something about it that made his heart felt electrified in a very nice way, and he didn't mind to get electrified that way a thousand times. Trying to keep up the fun teasing they had on each other, he replied with a smug grin, "Of course I am."

And of course, she didn't miss her chance to tease him back. "At least, that's what I think. And we have to consider the fact that I am not everyone's representative."

Jungkook playfully widened his eyes, dropped his jaw before he tickled her sides, and her laughter began to erupt while she tried to get away from him. He finally stopped tickling her when her hair became a mess, covering her face and after using his fingers to reveal it, Jungkook leaned down for a kiss and what was meant to be fleeting became the opposite, the kiss only deepened when she encircled her arms around his neck.

When the kiss finally broke, she smiled before pushing him to the side of the bed and she quickly got up and rummaged into her drawers and dived into her wardrobe. Jungkook watched in curiosity, standing up to walk closer to her. "What are you looking for?"

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