3. Free Soul

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"You seem to be enjoying those chocolate chip muffins," She says with a smile on her face. In a deep voice I say "Yeah I'm a sucker for chocolate, I'm not a baker but there's some sort of master chef touch to the way the chocolate flavors are in equilibrium with each other with a hint of coffee".

I begin to freak out a little, thinking I might have went overboard, I prolly should've just kept it cool and went with 'I like the way they melt in my mouth,' or 'I love chocolate muffins when they are fresh,' yea that's sounds better.

Before I could say something to try and ease the convo, without hesitating she says "Have you tried them with the Hot chocolate, paired with a dash of cream?"

No way this is happening, I'm surrounded by beautiful energy. She knows what I'm talking about and she just happened to vibe with it. "I guess that will be first on my To Do list Tomorrow"

I'm a typa person who requires a certain connection to vibe with, but once the connection is made, we may feel like we've been connected forever.

"So tell me more about yourself, I want to be transported to your dreams, your aspirations, your passion."

There's something different about her, she begins to connect and as we're talking about our childhood memories, she makes me feel Nostalgic, I'm in a Serene zone and I feel connected to her. She happened to be drifting nearby and I happened to be close enough to catch her. Lost in this moment, I don't realize that my lunch time is over.

We continue to Conversate, but Im keeping in mind that I haven't yet asked her what her name is, curious about it I decide to wrap it up with a double combo. I take a gamble and ask for both her name and number, "My name is Vanessa, but my friends Call Me 'Nessa'. Oh and I figured you're running late for work, and I know you wanna get my number, but come back tomorrow so we do this again, I liked it". 'Nessa' I thought to myself, that's a cute nickname, I smile and introduce myself, "My name is Orion". We exchange smiles and I offer to put the bill on my tab.

Orion leaves and heads back to work. He tries to focus on coding, but he can't stop thinking about Vanessa..
He can't quite describe the effects of the encounter.

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