4. Nessa

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Orion finishes up with his wings, he tells Linda about how much he can't stop thinking about Vanessa, he couldn't wait for tomorrow because he was gonna see Vanessa again..

"I guess I've lived up to the name of Cupid', says Linda, I spotted her and now you she's got your attention, it's almost as if you're gonna study her and find out what makes her different."Hehe c'mon, I wouldn't call it that. She just intrigues me, I compliment her and she compliments me too. She's of a different frequency, cut from a different cloth.." says Orion. "Well, as long as she makes you happy, I'm cool with her", replied Linda. "I know you like that, being all Cupid and bringing in that 'Love Doctor' vibe, hehe what if I said I've got someone in mind for you, you might just be distracted soon enough." That my friend, is something you're gonna try hard to achieve, I love the idea of love and everything that comes with it, but I don't think falling in love is my kinda thing. But hey there's a first time for everything. Enough about my hopeless Romantic life, let's talk strategy for tomorrow, how are things gonna play out for Vanessa.? Hehe look at you trying to get me to give you my Kingsman Code on how to handle it with Ladies. _Orion regarded himself as a Kingsman because of how they treated and respected Women_ Who knows? I might have even developed my own strategy, but I'm not into that right now, something about Vanessa is different. She fascinates me, I might sound Crazy but she might just be the one for me. It's official! call me Cupid from now on, Linda replies with a laugh. Let me change your contact name to "Cupid" right now, As Orion and Linda continue to talk about how each one's day went and how she's waiting for that FIFA rematch she so deserves, Orion spots a meteor shower in the sky. He imagines himself flying through the night sky, free to go where ever he pleases, a free Soul part of the cosmos. After awhile Orion snaps out of it and realizes that it has gotten late and tells Linda that they should head home.

They live the spot and Linda drops of Orion at his apartment. He later takes a walk to a nearby store for some snacks and returns home to sleep..

Morning came, and it was time for work. Orion was so excited for the sun to come out that he hardly had any sleep during the night, despite that, he didn't feel tired or sluggish. But it felt as if he had loads of Energy drinks first thing in the morning. He does his regular routine of getting ready for work, and surprisingly his 30 minutes early to work today. He catches the bus and heads to work, he decides to eat breakfast while on the bus, so that he can catch a break early and go to the Cafe. "Good morning mate, you clocking into work with a smile on your face means good things are in store for you today" Greeted Orions colleague, Jake. Orion greets back with a smile on his face oozing with positive energy. 'You know me mate, everyday is a blessing to be alive and feel the sun on my face, the energy today is vibrant and I have a good feeling about it'. "I'll hold on to that with good faith that my day be filled with positive vibes, just what I needed. Have a good one mate!" Yea sure mate anytime, likewise. Orion heads over to his workstation and begins to work on his coding and Designing. He gets some inspiration from the meteor shower he witnessed the previous night, and finishes working on his designs. Oozing with confidence, he decides to head over to his manager and does a pitch on the new design. He likes it, and guarantees him that he is going to recommend it to multiple developers and he might just get promoted. The Manger tells Orion that he can have the rest of the day off if he wishes to do so. Orion accepts and heads back over to his workstation thinking, 'This must be that positive energy I've been feeling since I woke up today'.

Orion packs up and heads over to the Cafe an hour early, he arrives and finds Linda on duty attending to other customers. They make eye contact and give each other their signature wave..

Orion picks his spot and takes a seat, he grabs the laptop and earphones from his bag and begins to listen to music, All his life he loved to listen to music, it helped calm him down and on some days it'd help him get his creative juices flowing. Sometimes Orion would get consumed and get teleported to a whole different World and He'd get lost and forget about his surroundings. Compelled by the music, he doesn't realize it, but Vanessa Walks into the Café, she does a brief scan of the place and she spots Orion, "I guess he was looking forward to today, his earlier than I expected, but that's a good thing, one point for him". She orders A Greek Salad With Extra Dressing and some H2O, Nessa talks with Linda as she waits for her salad. Drawn back from reality by a familiar frequency, Orion snaps out of the trance and looks up and to his delight, he sees Nessa over by the counter speaking with Linda, he takes a moment to soak up the view. Wearing casual this time around, she leaves Orion in awe, he tries to hide his emotions and freaks out about what to say; 'I have no clue as to what I should say, I can't be asking about her about how her day is going, or maybe I should.?'

Orion is stuck trying to figure out exactly what to say but, he just doesn't have the time to process it all, because Vanessa is now making her way towards him

"Hey you, how you doing?" says Linda in a rather calm sweet voice,' I'm doing well thanks and yourself?' replies Orion in a deep voice. "Well, I'll be 100% okay after I dig into this Greek Salad", Linda says with a smile on her face as if to mean it really was gonna go down. I hope you don't mind me, I just love eating delicious food.'Wow, I suppose she must know a thing or two about fine cuisine'  ponders Orion. Well I happen to know a thing or two about fine cuisine, have you tried the tuna salad over by the restaurant on the corner of the 6th? "As a matter of fact, I've been wanting to do some dining there, but I just haven't yet.." 'would you like to try it out in your free time perhaps?' interupts Orion. "Wow, I haven't been on a date in awhile, sounds like fun so yeah sure, I would like that", replies Nessa with a warm smile on her face. 'How does Thursday evening sound?' "Thursday evening sounds good, we meet @6?"  asks Nessa. 'Perfect, Thursday 6 O clock it is.'
As Orion and Vanessa continue to conversate, Linda arrives with a cup of cappuccino and a chicken wrap for Orion. 'Hey Linda, thanks for the food, I hope you doing good'. Linda unknowingly shifts her focus to him, "Am well thanks and no biggie, I saw you Salivating over her salad so I decided to bring you something to eat." Ha Ha how hilarious, I was just trying to see what kind of dressing you used replied Orion with his usual smirk.

Vanessa and Orion continue to talk and share views on mutual interests that intrigues them. Orion tries hard not to goof around, but time flies by and Vanessa has to had back to work. She says goodbye and leaves. Orion stays and spends a few more hours at the Cafe surfing the internet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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