Bonus Chapter

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Hey readers, thank you for  taking your time to read my story. "Free Soul" was much anticipated, yet brief..
So this one is more of like a bonus Chapter..
Stay Tuned!

Orion heads back to work with a smile on his face trying so hard to conceal it, he can't stop thinking about the encounter he just had at the Cafe. Overflowing with happiness ready to burst, he trots over to his workstation to continue working on coding. "Why do you look so happy Orion?" asks one of his colleagues, 'I met someone during Lunch, I can't quite describe it yet but she might be a special someone, only time can tell. But it feels as though I've met her before, perhaps in another life. She must be from another world, my world perhaps.' Hehe stop daydreaming man, are you sure about what you're saying? It sounds as if you ate too many of em Muffins. Yeah yeah tease me all you want, all I know is tomorrow I might be seeing her again, that's why I can't stop smiling. "Good luck with that", says his colleague as he walks away. Orion tries to focus on work, but Vanessa's frequency seems to be vibrating within him. He eventually shifts his focus and just before he clocks out, he gets a call from Linda, "Hey, I know you're still thinking about that girl you met today at the Cafe" , Yea she still has me thinking about her, but I wanna switch my mind off for awhile. . " Ok wait for me at the parking lot I'm on my  way to get you, so we go for pizza or something." , Cool I'll be outside, we could prolly go to our spot so I clear my head for a bit.

Orion wraps up with work, and heads over to the parking lot and waits for Linda. Linda arrives shortly and picks up Orion, they head over to a pizza place." You seem to be oddly quiet today, something bothering you?" asks Linda. Orion says one word, but it holds so much weight and echoes so loudly, "Vanessa" he says. Linda looks at Orion with a smirk on her face, "Oh so that means you aren't eating today?, all you wanna do is sit there all innocent and stuff with an empty stomach thinking about her?"
Reserving my comment, I give her that 'Don't you be messing with my food' typa look. And just like that, it's as if she reads my mind, "Ok don't kill me just yet, I'll get you something too". So wachu want? Something classy or another one of your weird combinations? Orion laughs and orders his 'weird' combo, he likes sweet and spicy foods, so he orders Dunked Wings with pineapple pizza. "You and pineapples on your pizza, doesn't that taste weird at all?" Yea to you it does, says Orion. It takes a special kind of taste bud level for you to comprehend and enjoy it. Linda just laughs and heads to the counter to collect our order.

We drive to our spot, far from the city noise, it makes one feel so serene and one with nature. I call It our spot because I discovered it with Linda while looking for a  clear view of the Lunar eclipse that happened a few months back.

*Just like Orion, Linda loved nature and anything around her that emitted a different type of frequency. She loved sitting outside her balcony watching the sun rising or setting. The only difference between her and Orion is that she loved Sunrises more than Sunsets*

We arrive, just in time for the sunset. "Wow, today's sunset looks so beautiful, I think I'm gonna be here for awhile and wait till the moon is out." Yea now you see why I love the sunset, it's an ending that always ends beautiful, no matter the circumstances. "please don't go all philosophical on me, it's still too early for that". I'm just getting started, you know me once I start I end up writing a paragraph or two about it. " Yea yea enough poetry, Tell me about your encounter with Vanessa, the whole day you've been drooling over her but you haven't yet told me what's so special about her, coz I know you. Once you start talking or thinking too much about a certain girl, there should be something special about her. Not every girl that crosses your path grabs your attention, Cmon spill the beans already I'm waiting." Well, since you insisted, lemme first finish up my wings. And then I'll tell you all about Nessa. Speaking about her, how did you even spot her because I was solely focused on the munchies,if it wasn't for you I would'nt have seen her. Linda smiles and says "Let's just say I've Gat that eagle eye when it comes to spotting potentials, some call me cupid. But yea you know that I Gat you right?". Ahuh yes I know you got me, that's why you're my Wing Woman, always by my side.

Orion and Linda were always there for each
Other, no matter the situation. In a way they were destined to be together, but that's a fairy tale for another day..

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