3: Clues & Cupid

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June 11th, Tuesday.
7:30 PM

Joining server 131...

Server joined!

All these assignments and quizzes I had to review for really took up a lot of time. Hopefully Dread and the others are online.


I yawned and spun around in my chair, then turned my attention back to the screen of my laptop, checking for the list of my friends online.

Hmm. Only 1 is online. Everyone must be busy.

I exit the window then teleport my character to the mission zone of one of my available side quests.

For now I might as well just grind for materials and everything on my own. I could probably make something good for the team.

And for about 30 minutes I've speed ran through numbers of side quests, gaining more coin and materials, then crafting and enhancing gear. Spending time to make gear for my friends felt fulfilling, but I couldn't help to feel a little bit lonely everytime i'd be playing on my own.

"Hmm... Maybe I'll take a rest for now." After crafting one last piece of armor, I log out then shut my computer down, pushing my chair back to roll me over to my bed, then I lazily push myself up with my feet then slide onto the bed like a snail. Sliding all the way over to my pillows then grabbing my phone which was placed at the small coffee table beside my bed.

I open my Facebook, since it had the most notifications at the moment, and the first thing to catch my eye was a friend request from Theo and Sylvie.

Since they were both acquaintances, I accepted their requests, not bothering to even check on the others, since at the very least, they weren't people I've met before. Gotta stay safe online!

And barely even a minute has passed, I recieved a message coming from Sylvie.

Sylvie O 'Neill

7:34 PM

Sylvie: Hey Lydia! I was wondering if you, me, and Theo could make a groupchat so that the we can all talk about what we're going to do in the upcoming event. :))

Sure, why not. :Me

Sylvie: hehe, oookay! I'll do the honors of making it.

School advertisement event chat

Sylvie created the chat.

Sylvie: Hey guys, should I add Professor Adley to the chat? So that we can easily ask him questions.

Theodore: sure.

Sylvie added Benjamin Adley

Benjamin Adley set his own nickname to Prof. Adley

Prof. Adley: Hello students! It appears you are all enthusiastic about the event.

We're just being responsible students Prof╮(─▽─)╭ :Me

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