12: Certified fishy

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June 24, Monday.
11:15 AM

"Finally!" I, Theo, and Sylvie give each other high-fives and professor Adley pats our heads with a delighted smile on his face. "Shall we go have lunch now then?"

"Yes!" Sylvie squeels. "I've been soooo hungry since I got here!"

"You haven't ate breakfast?" I ask.

"No. Thanks to waking up past my alarm." She chuckles awkwardly.

"So, students. Where do you all want to eat?" Prof asks us.

"I think I'll let Sylvie decide." Since she's feeling so hungry, I might as well let her choose.

"Me too." Theo says after me.

"I want to eat seafood!" Sylvie says giddily.

"Hmm. Sure. Now that you mention seafood, I don't think i've had any of it for almost a year." Prof puts his hand on his chin.

"You dislike seafood?" Sylvie asks.

"No no, I just prefer eating meat." Prof responds. "Anyway, where is the nearest seafood restaurant here?"

"I don't think there is any seafood place here at the plaza, we'll have to go to the mall." I say, looking around for any signs of a place which serves seafood.

"Alright then. We'll head to the mall."

"Calamariiiii heheee." I hear Sylvie giggle quietly and we head over to the bus stop. Well I can't say no to calamari either.

11:40 AM

The mall. A place bustling with people all here for different reasons. Some here by force, some here to shop, and some here to eat. I usually only go here to buy new games or when needed.

As we step inside the mall, I slightly shiver. The cool air conditioned air brushed my skin making me feel cold. I should've brought a jacket.

"What seafood place do you want to go to?" Prof asks Sylvie.

"Err- what was that place called again? The once which had the fish logo?" Sylvie walked ahead of us then turned around, her eyes glancing at me, then Theo, then back at me.

"Certified fishy?" I answer unsurely.

"Yeah! That one!" She turns back around and begins skipping to our destination and we follow.

"I'm suprised you still have this much energy after handing out all those flyers." I tell Sylvie.

"Spread love! Spread happiness! Spread positivity!" Was her response, and I hear prof laugh. "Yes, spread positivity- Li Shin?"

"P-professor Adley?"

A student in our school's uniform stopped in his tracks, a few meters away from us. His hands were in his pocket and he had headphones around his neck. He was tall, had black hair pushed back with what seemed to be hair gel, small eyes and fair skin. Chinese? Though he is a student It's the first time i've seen him.

"I thought you were confined in the hospital?" Professor's mood suddenly darkened. "What are you doing in the mall? You don't seem to be sick. Care to explain?"

Well RIP to you, fellow student.

"L-long story..." The student pauses. Then turns around and dashes away suddenly. Prof sighs and brushes it away, straightening his back and he continues walking to the restaurant.

Well that was quite the sudden event.

"D-don't worry about Shin, Professor Adley." Sylvie laughs awkwardly. "He's always skipping classes."

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