7: Starry Isle, and level 1s?

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June 13, Thursday.
6:00 PM

Crazy Bestie(。・ω・。)

Ari: what happened earlier!?

Errmm... My dad was calling me on my phone. Sorry Ari! But I kinda got who Theo's crush is. :Me

Ari: oh okay! Jee it was just your dad. I thought it was something bad! You scared me Lydia D:<

Sorryyy! :(( :Me

Ari: so who was Theo's crush?

Someone online apparently. :Me

Ari: Seriously? Someone online!? He doesn't want someone which he can actually touch and hold? Well looks like I'm going to go around hunting girls in games then! :(


"Is it really that bad liking someone online?" I frown down at my phone.

Ari: Lydia? Ya alrighty?

Oh, yeah. Just kinda tired.: Me

Ari: Have you finished all the assignments for today?


Ari: see! That's why! You're just tiring yourself out. You should just give yourself a break and be a pro-procrastinator like me! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just, no. :Me

"Lydia! Dinner!" My mom calls.

"In a minute mom!" Without saying goodbye, or even be right back, I put my phone down and dash to the kitchen. Man i'm hungry.

I take my seat, where I usually sit. Our table is circular, and I sit opposite from both my parents, while my leg occupies the empty seats beside me. I'm an only child.

And who cares about manners, my parents don't notice me putting my leg up on the chairs anyway.

"You look really hungry." My dad tells me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I am." I take my fork and stab the fried chicken that was already put on my plate, along with rice and gravy.

"Lydia, will you not play with your food?" My mom glares at me.

I lightly hiss and push my fork further into my chicken, and my mom threatens me with her eyes.

She must be nearing her menopause.

"Lydia, try not to upset your mom." My dad tells me. I sigh and nod, then proceeding to finish my dinner, wash the dishes, and back to my room to play Divine spring.

Joining server 131...

Server joined!

"Oh! Dread is on!" Seeing his name made me feel giddy, So I quickly click on the message button, but just before I could send him a message, He beat me to it.

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