15: Social anxiety

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June 24, Monday.
5:10 PM

"Good evening ladies and gentleman, I thank you all for being here today." The principal pauses to clear his throat, and he proceeds to his opening remark.

As of now, I was sipping water from a wine glass to calm my nerves. The event has started and by every minute someone would enter and take their seat, listening attentively to the principal's every word.

Men in spiffy suits, women all dolled up, garnering glances and stares as their heels clicked till they took their seat. It makes me so nervous to the point that my stomach is churning. But hey, Prof did a good job with getting people to come to the event.

"Jees. You and Theo are seriously shaking. Are you two alright?" Sylvie pulls me out of my thoughts as she grabs my cold hands and gives both me and Theo concerned looks.

"Not really..." I admit.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Toootally fine!" Theo says sarcastically with a somewhat deranged laugh. Well he's in a worst condition than I am apparently.

"Just breathe you two. Breathe." Sylvie tells us.

"I could be at home playing games right now!" Theo pushes his chair back and attempts to get up, but prof grabs his wrist and pulls him back down. "It's just a speech Theo. All you have to do is read what's written on the paper." Prof tells him, giving him a serious look.

"If only it was that easy."

"And before we get to anything else, we eat. It's hard to listen on an empty stomach right?" I turn my attention back to the stage. The principal let out a hefty laugh, then he placed the mic back onto it's stand and left the stage. The crowd clapped half-heartedly and waiters began making their way to each table with food and drinks.

As the waiters made their way to our table, I looked at the food being served with delight. Is this rich people food?

They served well cooked steak, creamy mashed potatoes, some vegetables on the side and finally a plate of salad. While another waiter came over and poured ice tea into our glasses.

"Eat up! But don't eat too much. Or you three might end up having to use the comfort room before you guys give your speeches." Prof tells us as he takes his fork and knife and begins cutting his steak. "Oh, and dessert will be served afterwards too."

"Dessert!" Theo's eyes light up. "What kind of dessert?"

"If I recall correctly, It was Creme brulee." Prof answers him, and Theo begins eating his steak happily. "And again, I remind you three not to eat too much."

"Yes professor." The three of us answer him blandly in unison.


"I'm stuffed..." Theo remarks as he slumps into his seat, rubbing his stomach. Just after finishing up his 5th creme brulee. Prof on the other hand, was looking at Theo disapprovingly. "I won't be very happy if I hear you saying you need to use the restroom just before your speech, Theo."

"I won't professor, I promise."

"Pfft. Promise." Sylvie snorts. "Promises are made to be broken!"

"Promises are made to be kept. People just make their decisions prematurely." I answer.

"Heh." Sylvie pouts.

"Alright, you three prepare." Prof pushes his chair back, gets up and heads elsewhere. Probably to fix himself.

"I'm tempted to get up and leave." I tell the two, once prof was now out of my sight.

"I am too." Theo says after me.

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