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It was just a simple day, the sun was out and the weather was fine, the people are doing whatever they always do, teenagers cooped up either on their phones or towards their peers, and I was just the same.

I was just the same before I stupidly got hit by a truck. I know, cliche but hey, I never really thought that I'll be one of those characters that magically get sucked out of some dimension just by a truck.

(AN: I also imagine getting transported to a magical place, just please let me not feel the pain of getting but by a truck)

I opened my eyes, the darkness of the room made my heart stopped, then a series of thunder shook the whole room and then I felt pain.

A tremendous unparalleled pain I have never felt before.

"Ahh... sss ... i-it hurt-ts.." I cried out loud.

Then a crowd of people in white dresses stood out and pushed ginger on my mouth which I bit on, hard. I was thankful that u didn't get choked by a whole ginger suddenly trespassing on my mouth.

The pain was excruciating, it was a pain I would never want to feel again. Then a woman pushed my stomach and said.

"Push harder Milady!" Her panic voice made my entire being cold.

What does she mean by push?!

Then another wave of pain washed over my entire self and I find myself clutching the headboard as if my whole life is on it.

"Ahh! It ... freaking ...HURTS!" I shouted for the second time and then a wailing sound of a child crying was heard. The only thing I remembered before I could shut my eyes and welcome the darkness is a pair of silver eyes glowing into the dark.


A flash of light came down on my face, my eyes fluttered then I opened them only to see a bright room filled with things that can only be seen in a historical movie.

What happened?

Where am I?

I look around my surroundings, everything is clean and neat, and the color of white and gold shone brightly when the curtain was opened. Then I step onto the white carpet filled with soft fur, my eyes widening when I look at the mirror.

There stood a woman with grayish blue hair, her eyes were like the color of amethyst, lips red and plump that is shaped in a cupid bow, snow-white skin that is soft to the touch, and an unusual gentleness in her aura.

It was not me.

For a second, I could feel my eyes getting misty but I clench my fist, took a huge breath, and took another huge breath and it goes on for quite some time. That's the only way I can calm myself in this ridiculous situation that I am in.

I decided to see what is happening to me.

So yeah, I decided to throw this out and let other people see this novel. I really hope you would like it. It may not be perfect or whatnot but I hope you can like it.

(Funny how I still can't believe that it got a million reads, it was just this one unplanned novel in the back of my drafts that got revisited by me, truly funny)

Also, please correct my grammatical errors and spellings if you did spot one. I am not fluent in English, so yeah.



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