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Five years has passed since the time I wake up from a week long coma. It took me weeks to accept things, but as time passes by, I already accepted it.

I made a few changes in the estate but it was still the same. Maids and butlers were not changed and the soldiers were given adequate money for being able to fight off from that incident. They'll be able to just sleep and not worry about money in the future.

Luci became queen and married her first love. I congratulated her and threatened the crown prince and the now emperor, that I will kick him in his balls if he dare slight my best friend.

Racquelyn is still chasing her first love, the prime minister of this kingdom. I still don't like that slick stoic guy but I admit they're a perfect match.

When I returned from the estate, Amy was crying as she hugged me. I think it was the first time she reprimanded me, not caring about her status. I laughed in between her hiccups as I embraced her too.

Looking at my twins, I cried.

I cried for them.

I cried for myself.

I wasn't a good mother towards them nor a good wife to him and I cried for that. I promise to myself that I'll do everything to make this right.

To make our lives happy.


"Haru! Fuyu! What did you do again?!"

The twins looked at me with their face flushing red as they looked at each other, then giggled. My forehead was scrunched up when they continued their secret conversation.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" I snap my finger towards their faces.

"Nothing mama" they both said in unison, that made me much more suspicious towards their actions.

"Really? Then I guess no cookies after dinner then"

"Mama he started it!"

"She started it!"

That's it kids, you'll never beat your mother in mind games.

"Oh, I see, well, I still don't know what you did so-"

"We pranked Amy again!"

Oh, so that's why poor Amy was crying in the corner. This two little devil's! After they learned how to talk and walk, all they do is to cause trouble.

But I still love them.

"Now, what should you say to Amy?" They both glanced at the crying Amy and went to her side.

"Sorry Amy" their faces were too adorable that Amy couldn't help but to concede without a fight.

But not me.

"Is that it?" I teased them as they looked at me with their eyes full of grievance.

I signalled them with a 'go on' and eight on cue, they started to pitifully act like they're the victims.

Ha, the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree indeed.

"It's fine madam, they are still young and is a bit playful" Amy said as she plead with the twins on her back.

"A bit playful? Yep, they are a bit playful. Remember the time they pranked their etiquette teacher with flour and eggs and made her a cookie monster? Or the time where they scared all the maids at night and proceed to scare the living daylights of Bertia? Or the-"

"We admit defeat?" The twins both said as they looked at me with resentment.

That's right kids, I'm still the most shameless person out here, and no one's gonna take that throne away from me.


I was sitting in the garden with a book on my hands, my head full of thoughts.

In the past, I treated this life of mine lightly, not taking this life seriously. Treating this world as a playground for me.

It's like I'm living in a drama, where I become the audience and I watch them play their roles.

But I was suddenly brought into the limelight.

Bit by bit, I feel the changes.

And I felt emotions I buried from a long time.

Then they felt real.

So real I was so afraid.

The only constant thing in life is change.

And I hate change.

Now, I see myself as more than a character.

I'm a mother.

I'm a wife.

I'm Iseiah.

Looking into the distance, I saw a familiar figure walking towards me. I stood up and lift my dress to walk more quickly.

Strands of hair fell on my cheek, the afternoon glint shine through my now sweaty face and highlighted the glee in my eyes.

Now I'm standing towards him.

"Welcome home my dear husband"

"Welcome home my dear wife"

And the end!!!!

Don't panic! I still have extra chapters to write don't worry!

All your questions would be answered there so don't worry!

Thank you people! I seriously love you!!!!

Anyways, please do VOTE.COMMENT.SHARE.

Thank you!

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