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"Alexis and Finneas if you two don't stop acting like children, I will treat you as such," Chris warns in a stern voice, prompting Finneas to stop spinning around and me to hop off of his back quickly.

"Sorry," we both mumble sheepishly while Billie snorts in amusement from her spot on the couch.

"You're supposed to be making me a hit!" Chris says and I slump back down into the desk chair in front of the soundboard with a lazy grunt.

"You said what I mixed yesterday was a hit," I argue and he leans down next to me so our eyes are level.

"Yeah, and now I need another one. I need multiple if I want to keep going to the Bahamas," he says and nudges me playfully, making me smile. "So hurry up. I'm gonna go tell people I'm in a meeting but really sneak off to get ice cream with my husband and son," he announces as he gets up from his chair and walks towards the door.

I chuckle and wave at him as he walks out. "Later, Chris."

Finneas, Billie, and I spend the next hour or so messing around with some new sounds and lyrics until we have the foundations of something we like. I love the days when I get to work with them, obviously. Some days I work with other artists and producers, and some days I'm by myself most of the time, and these days with Billie are always my favorites. We take a quick break when Finneas leaves to meet Claudia for lunch, leaving just me and Billie alone in the studio.

The second the door shuts, Billie moves from the couch into my lap and I smile while I wrap my arms around her.

"Who are you texting?" she asks curiously and takes my phone from me before I can respond.

"My friend Trevor. He's back in town and throwing a party. He wants me go but I dunno," I mumble and rest my chin on her shoulder so I can watch while she scrolls through my messages.

I feel her relax when I say that, and it makes me frown slightly to myself because she shouldn't have been tense in the first place. As happy as I am to have Billie back completely for the first time in years, things feel a little different than I was hoping they would. It has been a few weeks since we made things exclusive finally, but it's obvious she still doesn't trust me, which I understand but wish wasn't an issue. Part of me is worried that maybe I accidentally rushed her into things before she was entirely ready, which makes me feel guilty as hell. I don't want our relationship to implode because Billie wasn't ready for the commitment just yet.

Then again, Billie is pretty hard headed and only goes after things she really wants, so maybe I'm just projecting and not giving her enough credit.

To be entirely honest, I myself am still secretly worried about this Devon dude. Billie initiated a make out session before I could really get any real answers about him and it hasn't come up again, but I'm doing my best to just trust her when she says she's nothing but a friend now.

"How's your stomach?" I ask a question to get out of my own head and rub it over her shirt gently, which makes her relax against me even more.

"Still nauseous but not as bad," she answers and I pout. She felt really sick this morning, and had to run off to the toilet because she thought she might hurl.

It would suck if she came down with something, but worst comes to worst I'll just baby her for another couple of days until she's better.

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