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*theres smut in this chapter if you don't like it just skip the part that's in italics*


"Lexi, Chris isn't going to fire you," Finneas insists and puts his hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing up and down anxiously.

I was having a perfectly good day today, until Chris stepped into the lounge just now while Finneas and I were eating, to tell me that he needs to see me in his office later to talk about something important. Being the pessimistic person I am, I of course began assuming he's trying to fire me.

"How do you know?" I ask and he gives me a look.

"You've been doing amazing, what reason would he have for firing you?"

I bite my lip awkwardly as my mind races back to what happened yesterday.

My phone buzzes on my desk and I tear my eyes away from the computer screen in front of my to look at it, a smile creeping onto my lips when I see that it's Billie. She's working in the studio a few floors above me today, and promised to text when she got a break.

Billie: closet next to the bathroom on 32nd floor ten minutes xx

I smirk to myself and text her back then put my phone done so I can get a few more minutes of work done before I head up. When I get to the 32nd floor a few minutes later I walk down the hall to the bathroom and look around the hallway before knocking on the door softly.

It opens slightly and Billie peers out for a second, a smile breaking out when she sees that it's me. She grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me in before I can react, the door flying shut behind me.

"Hey," I chuckle at her eagerness and she just responds by pressing her lips against mine hungrily.

I kiss her back while moving my hands to her hips, and pushed her back against the wall behind her to take control. She lets me take it, and her hand in my shirt tangles into my hair instead.

I move my lips down to her jaw and kiss along it until I reach her ear where I bite the lobe teasingly, which sense a satisfying shiver down her spine.

"How long do you have?" I ask while slipping my hands under her shirt to feel her warm, soft skin on my fingertips.

"I'm done for the day so it doesn't matter," she replies and I trail my lips down to her neck while my hands explore her body. "Don't be a tease, I need you so bad."

"You know when you beg me not to tease you it makes me wanna tease you more, right?" I muse and nip at her neck playfully while one of my hands slips down to unbutton her shorts.

"I hate you," Billie grumbles and I smile.

"You love me," I correct and kiss the corner of her lips while my hand slips into her shorts, causing her to suck in a little breath.

I press my lips to hers fully and slip my tongue into her mouth as my fingers starts to rub over her panties teasingly. I apply enough pressure to make her feel something, but not enough to come close to satisfying the ache she's probably feeling between her legs just yet.

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