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I wake up naturally in Lexi's arms, sighing happily to myself when I remember that I'm in my own room again. Though this probably won't be my own room for much longer, especially if the apartment viewing goes well today.

My eyes slowly open and I adjust to the light for a moment before looking down to see Lexi's tattooed arm draped over my waist. I gently trace her tattoos with my fingertips, lingering on the one I drew while I smile softly.

After a little while I roll over in her hold so I can see her face and smile wider when I see how adorable she looks while she's sleeping.

I reach out to gently trace her features the way she's often woken me up by doing. My fingers trail along her eyebrows softly then down the slope of her nose. From there I ghost my fingers along her cheek bone then finally brush across her soft lips.

Her eyelids flutter slightly then slowly open, and her lips twitch into an adorable, sleepy smile when her eyes adjust to see me.

"Morning, princess," she says in the raspy morning voice that I never grow tired of waking up to.

"Morning," I whisper and lean over to kiss the tip of her nose, which makes her scrunch it up cutely. "We're buying an apartment together today," I mumble and Lexi grins but then shakes her head.

"Don't jinx it, someone could get it before us. Or bid higher," she points out and pulls me closer by my waist.

"Superstitious much?" I tease and she chuckles.

"Only when the Dodgers are on the line. Or other big stakes things like buying the perfect apartment."

"It is perfect, isn't it?" I muse then roll over to grab my phone from the nightstand so we can look at the pictures again.

Lexi pulls me flush against her body and rests her chin on my shoulder so she can see the screen too. "I love how much natural lighting it has," she mumbles and I hum in agreement.

"We should make this room the studio," I say when we land on a picture of one of the three bedrooms, and Lexi nods.

"We gotta soundproof it then just go nuts with the equipment," she says excitedly and I chuckle.

"With who's money?" I tease and she pinches my side playfully.

"Asshole," she says lightly then nuzzles back into my neck. "I'm sorry I blew all my money renting out a supermarket for you."

I smile at the memories of that day and keep scrolling through the photos while Lexi gently and innocently strokes the skin under my shirt.

"I'm gonna go make you breakfast," she decides after a little while and kisses my neck once before pulling away from me.

"But I was comfy," I whine and pout at her as she gets out of bed.

"And I'm hungry so tough luck, baby," she says and slaps my ass before she walks away from the bed and towards the door.

I watch her go with a smile then shake my head to myself and go back to looking at the pictures and imagining turning it into a home with Lexi.

Void // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now