Twenty Three

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"And then I went to the playground and I played on it and then I went to get ice cream and I eated it and then-"

"Ate it, you ate it," I correct gently and Addy nods in eager understanding through my new phone screen. Kid is definitely a future valedictorian, because the little nerd asked me for grammar lessons. "Then what did you do?"

"Then I went to my friends house and we had a Billie party."

"What's a Billie party?" Billie pipes up, having been silent for a while as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"A Billie party is when you listen to Billie Eilish and scream really really loud."

Billie and I both laugh at that, and our laughter makes Addy smile and giggle along adorably. Her mom, Grace, texted me a little bit into tour to tell me that Addy really missed me and my music lessons, and has been really upset since I left. I agreed to find time to FaceTime her for music lessons once a week, as well as just to talk.

"Alright little princess, you ready for some practice?" I ask and she immediately pouts, her head hanging. "What's wrong?"

"I don't have my ukulele," she whispers sadly, and I can tell by her voice that she's crying, even though I can't see her eyes now.

You see, Addy's 5th birthday was last month. I wanted to make up not being there for her day, so I decided to buy her a new ukulele and have Billie sign it before shipping it off to her. She was so excited when she first got it, and since then whenever I FaceTime her I try to teach her some things. Billie helps me whenever she isn't busy, and it's kind of the highlight of my week.

"What happened?" Billie asks softly, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Addy sniffles before replying, "Mama's ugly boyfriend sold it."

Billie and I share a look, both outraged and sympathetic. I've heard a lot of shit about Grace's boyfriend, and none of it is good. I'm gonna be honest, I'm really close to flying back home for a day just so I can kick his ass and take Addy on tour with us.

But technically that would be kidnapping or whatever and I'm already on probation for a couple other felony convictions so.....yeah. Can't do that.

"I'm so sorry, Angel," Billie coos and Addy sniffles again. "Hey, when I come back to LA we can go shopping together and get you a brand new one. Okay?"

"O-okay," she replies and wipes her eyes. "I love you guys."

"I love you too," Billie and I both say at the same time, and for some reason my heart flutters uncontrollably.

"How about for today we just play something for you," Billie says and sits up a bit straighter while pulling her own ukulele into her lap. "Whatever you want."

"Let It Go!" she shouts happily and Billie and I share another look. She's a predictable kid.

We don't protest though, and I can see Addy's eyes shining through the phone screen as Billie starts to play the chords of a ukulele version of Let It Go that we came up with together just for Addy. I turn my head to watch Billie and smile to myself as I take in how adorable she looks. Her hair is thrown up into a hectic bun, showing off her green hair underneath. She's wearing one of my old Dodgers shirts, although I guess it's hers now since it's been in her suitcase all of tour.

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