Chapter Thirty, Part Three

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Thunder becomes less frequent when you make it to Toriel’s home. You’re sitting on the guest bed with a towel wrapped around your body, waiting for your shirt and pants to come out of the dryer. Your phone rings during your wait, and you pick it up to see a message from Faust under Toriel’s phone number.

Im at miss Toriels office. We can ride the school bus, but we cant leave until the rain stops. Im playing with my friends until then :))

You smile at the message and type back a response.

Got it. Do you want me to pick you up still? The car broke down, but I can get there before 5 pm.

I wanna take the bus!! My friend always takes it so I wanna go with her

Alright. Take care, dear. <3

“Undyne hauled up your car at the garage.”

You look up from your phone and see Sans leaning by the doorway, a cup in hand and a folded towel in the other. He walks over to you and sits down by your side, handing you the cup. It feels warm to the touch and you stare down at it to view a serving of hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows and a dollop of whipped cream.

“. . .With a car crane?”

“With her hands.”

The monster hands you the towel and laughs when he sees the shocked, if not stupefied look on your face. He scoots closer to your side and places a hand on your lap, avoiding contact with your skin. “I’m serious, (Y/N),” he states, snapping you out of your awestruck daze. “She just lifted the back up a lil’ and pushed it all the way up to the garage.”

“I knew she was strong, but woah,” you speak up finally, shaking your head lightly as a laugh prevents you from taking the first sip of your drink. “Wasn’t she part of the Royal Guard back then?”

“Yeah,” he replies, placing the towel over your shoulders. You quirk an eyebrow at that, but it falls back when you take a look at the towel you’re wearing. It’s still cold and humid from the shower you took to wash off from the aftermaths of the storm. Catching on, you take a gulp of the drink, place it down on the floor, and pick up the towel from your shoulders, placing it over the old towel before letting that one go. “She can’t be with the law yet, but she’s damn good with heavy work, and she’s been coverin' up for my shifts ever since I got that sentence.”

“What about Papyrus?”

“He’s an assistant cook at the food court a few miles from here.”

Nodding, you pick up the cup and take another sip, checking the time on your phone before deciding to bring up another topic. “Did you make this?”

“Frisk did.” Sans stands up from the bed and takes the old towel along with him, folding it over his arm as he stares at you again. “You can walk around if you want. Frisk’s down at their room in case that’s what’s keeping you here.”

“It’s fine -- I think the clothes should be done drying soon.”

No other words are exchanged after you say that. Sans is already by the door frame when you decide to say something else. Though the argument from a few days ago had been dealt with as quick as it came, it was made apparent that he still felt uneasy about your relationship with how much he tried to keep distance with you just now.

“Wait,” you call out, standing up from the bed. Your hand keeps the towel from slipping when you head toward his side. Less than an arm’s length away, you lean down slightly and place a kiss on his cheekbone, lips lingering for just a second before you pull away. “Thank you for the locket."

Your face is still in front of his when you say that. Though his regular expression doesn’t change much on a first glance, the single flicker in the white lights of his irises and the hand he places against your torso show his surprise over that action. He removes his hand back and closes off the distance, bringing you into another hug, this one softer and less in duration compared to when you greeted him out in the rain.



You slip off the towel and stand before the dresser's mirror with nothing else besides your underwear, dry clothes laying by the bed. The feeling of a rougher material under the soft fabric of the towel is accompanied by the sound of crunching. Startled, you unfold the towel completely to reveal another sticky note similar to the one Sans had placed the time you met up at the library.

“betcha didn’t expect this gag twice in a row, huh? flip the paper around."

The note is wrinkled but legible to your eyes nonetheless, though you still have to squint to make out some of the words, these faded and smudged by your hand. A longer message is present on the back side of the note.

"i'd been feeling stuck lately, but not anymore. that argument we had helped, and it made me think about how much we've opened up with each other. just like how i didn't give a single damn about myself a few days ago, i didn't give a damn about this thing 'round my ankle when i saw you today. i wanted to hug you, and so i did just that. 'course that doesn't mean i can do that again whenever i want, 'cuz i'm sure this'll come bite back at me soon. but one thing's for sure, it was well worth it."

You drop the note at the last sentence, mind shutting down the rest of your surroundings to focus solely on that small string of words.

"i like you, (y/n)."

Those words make their rounds on your mind as you stare down at the note now lying on the floor. It's already four o' clock sharp and you're just about ready to head back home with the next bus at four thirty, eager to get there first before Faust grew any more suspicious of your whereabouts again.

You crouch down and pick up the paper, hand shaking with anticipation. Not quite believing your eyes, you read the letter for a second time, against being hasty regardless of the time crunch you were in.

Choice #3

What will you do next ?

a.) Confront him.

b.) Dismiss the note.

c.) Leave it for later.

d.) Hold onto it.

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