Chapter Forty-Seven, Part One

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Textbook in hand and a pencil in the other, you write down the most important information you can find from its pages on the notebook beside your lap, Sans’s writing style a near perfect mirror of his laid-back personality given how easily comprehensible the topics were for you to digest. Unlike the content of most books you were assigned to in college, his was simple and to-the-point, an extensive yet practical resource for any beginner wanting to know monsters better. 

You reach chapter two the next time you pass a page, moving on from a brief history of their kind to a basic understanding of how souls worked. You read until you reach a passage far too particular for you to skim past it. 

>> In short, souls can be defined as the most intimate part of a monster. Though it can be often seen as weak with how it vanishes when the monster’s HP or ‘Hope’ reaches zero, it also has the ability to form connections with other souls. Familiar, friendship, and romantic bonds are the main and most well-known three of all the connections available. These can be compared to the promises, traditions, and symbolism humans have created and established with each other, similar to that of friendship bracelets and engagement rings. <<

You read the passage over and over, hand subconsciously letting go of the book and letting it rest on your lap as it instead reaches for your other hand, tracing the finger where you would wear the engagement ring he had given you -- if that time ever came.

Was he trying to accommodate to your customs by giving it to you? You figured the prospect of rings and weddings wouldn’t be too different from theirs, though you start having second thoughts the further you read into the book.

>> These connections also permit monsters to adjust to humans’ needs, and vice-versa. Just as a monster can experience sexual intimacy with a human, a human can experience spiritual intimacy through means of the soul. As a result, two consenting, healthy souls are capable of reproduction, no matter the race of the two parties involved. Forced reproduction is not possible with souls. <<

With the next passage, you start to wonder when Sans had written this book for him to have made this chapter as abundant as it was with both human and monster knowledge. You mark where you left off and search for the publication date at the front pages, dating back to three years ago. It catches you off guard, the fact that he knew this much already at such an early time -- when monsters were barely just getting adjusted to the Surface -- making you wonder over when had he learned about all this. 

>> Monsters only carry one specific soul colour while humans’ can vary from up to seven different shades, each with a different trait. However, it’s possible for- 

The sound of someone approaching the living room interrupts you from reading the paragraph in its entirety, eyes looking away from the book to see a familiar ball of fluff running down the stairs, the pitter-patter of nails on wooden flooring fast as he rushes himself towards you. 


Toby barks when he jumps at you, making you close the book to prevent it from getting dirty. You set it aside along with the notebook while he cradles himself onto your lap, tail wagging even as he closes his eyes, lays his head down, and drifts off to sleep. Faust shows up next, looking tired and frustrated when he sees the dog in your hold.

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