Chapter Forty-Four, Part Three

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"Just like that?" Mettaton asks, voicing his surprise as quiet as a whisper. "No drama, no tension, no. . . resistance? She couldn't have possibly just agreed to your claims on the spot!"

You're back at the waiting room again, in patient expectancy for the intercom to call out your names a second time -- this time as a cue for your dismissal and the set date for the next step in your plans.

Papyrus and Muffet have already gone off to work while both Frisk and Faust are away with Toriel in preparation for the winter gathering. You, on the other hand, sit between a curious Solana and an even curiouser Mettaton, everyone else just as equally surprised with how quick the results had been and how little resistance the woman made in regards to your claims.

"She just said I could file a lawsuit so long as we had enough evidence to take him to court. I think Blook was called out to give more detail about the pictures he took back there."

"Will Alphys be called out, too?" Undyne asks, standing beside the robot. Her concern is just as sharp as her suit, eye narrowed as a deep frown falls on her face. "She's already on thin ice with all those experiments she did back at the Underground, and now she's in trouble for messing with those cameras -- Think she'll be put under probation or something like that again?"

You chew on your lip as you consider her question. Not only was it Alphys who looked to be in a bad spot, but Mettaton, Toriel, and everyone else who helped rescue you, as well. Winning the lawsuit against the town's mayor was not only for the purpose of standing up for yourself, but for salvaging the monsters' -- your friends' -- reputation in the long run.

"I. . . I'm not too sure about that right now," you admit, returning her frown. "Sans still has that restraining order messing with his background, so that. . . could be a possibility."

"That's a load of crap," Solana comments, arms stubbornly crossed together as the policewoman and Sunny join her side. Her eyes hold anger to them, voice closely matching with her expression. "He's only got that thing on him thanks to Jessie's creepy behaviour."

"Yeah," the Whimsun agrees, hands turned to fists. "Th- They crossed way too many lines with you!"

"I'm ashamed our department didn't wait until that bastard broke out to actually take their sentence seriously," the policewoman adds, passing a hand through her auburn curls as she lets out a sigh. Her dark complexion grows dim as she frowns, looking displeased as those words leave her mouth.

"You guys are bein' way too soft with your insults," Sans jokes, intervening in the conversation. He stands beside Alphys, who scoots closer to Undyne's side, a worrisome look on her expression as she listens to your discussion. "But I'm just glad they ain't around here anymore. If they got handsy with (Y/N). . . Hell knows what they coulda done to the kid, also. I really wouldn't trust them with anything, and callin' 'em creep or bastard's like callin' Burgerpants a mildly grumpy person."

"Wretch's a better word, then?" Mettaton comments, reiterating his first word similar to how he called the town's mayor an arse not too long ago. "They went as far as to break out of prison, after all."

"If they make your reputation look good, then sure. That word fits fine."

Another mood takes over when Sans comments that, the tension the two monsters seemed to carry in regards to the case manifesting in the worst way possible. The pair glare at each other, humour and banter collapsing from the conversation almost instantly.

"Watch it, Sans -- You're playing with fire."

It's safe to say you and those standing nearby don't like where this is going, everyone freezing as tension strikes. Your mind screams at you to do something while your limbs itch to move.

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