Chapter Thirty-Six

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Third Person POV

Sans’s Perspective


Sans doesn’t know what else to say when (Y/N) picks up, what he planned to ask fleeting away from his mind. With a huff, he gives up on asking and instead stares at the background the human’s at. He sees a lamp turned on by the night table and the locket he had given them set neatly alongside their wallet. Though he’s happy to see they still kept onto the locket, he wonders why they decided to put it aside, roaming thoughts being shaken off when he notices he had left them hanging.

“Sorry about that,” he speaks up again, shaking his head. “I got lost for a second there. What did you say?”

“Just, how are you?” they ask, a small, expectant smile on their face. “You seemed a little pissed off when we were talking at Alphys’s classroom.”

“I’m fine. I just couldn’t stand seeing you so close, yet so far away.” Against himself, Sans can feel his emotions overtaking his expression. He tries to cool them back down by looking away from (Y/N), unable to meet their eyes without having those thoughts spike again. “It’s been what, two months? ‘Cuz it sure feels like a lot more. You don’t know how much I wanted to see you when you told me what happened with Jessie.”

“I. . .” He sees the human’s gaze stare down at their lap, (e/c) eyes growing dim for a split second. “I just hope you’ll be free soon. That letter. . . It- I won’t deny it got my hopes up. I didn’t think bad of it until Alphys asked me about it.”

“You need to be careful, though. Don’t just dive headfirst into trouble for me.” Finally regaining some composure, Sans stares at (Y/N) directly, irises lingering on what they were wearing. They were still in their work uniform even though the clock marked nine sharp, that observation leading him to assume it was just now they managed to have some free time. “But what about you? Haven’t heard from you since that time Faust ran off with your phone.”

“To be honest, there’s. . . something I’ve wanted to talk about with you.”

He sees the same, dim light flash on (Y/N)’s eyes when they mention that. Worried, he sits up straight on his bed and narrows his gaze at them. “What’s up?”

“Would our relationship be any different if. . . if I met you earlier?”

“Whaddya mean by that?”

“Gerson told me you used to be a sentry for the Underground,” they clarify, passing a hand against the back of their neck. “What did that job involve?” The emotion he feared (Y/N) was keeping to themselves shows up through the waver in their tone. Their face grows dull as their lips fall back into a grimace, eyes growing shiny with tears. “I- I know I’m probably rushing into this, and that’s the exact opposite of what he told me to do, but. . . I want- I need to know.”

The monster grows speechless with the sudden rush of words falling from the human’s mouth. Suddenly, the background they’re at and every other thing around him become trifles as he focuses on them entirely. It was more than apparent (Y/N) wasn’t ready to hear him talk about any of that -- that they would immediately go off on a tangent were they to take his words the wrong way. At the moment, what they needed was to find stability rather than doubt.

“Alright,” he speaks up, heaving a breath. “Can we talk about this after you’re through with the mayor? If he really is gonna set me free, I want to tell you all about that in person.”

“Can you promise me that?”

“‘Course I can.”

He briefly worries (Y/N) might see through him when he says that. If there was one thing he struggled with, it was with keeping his previous promise with Toriel. What made him decide so quickly on an agreement were the consequences that involved it, in including how serious he felt about his relationship with the human. The previous call where he had caught them just waking up had only furthered that wish -- that desire of having a relationship beyond family and friends. He did still see (Y/N) as a friend, but he also wanted to be on a closer, deeper level with them: to learn how humans tended to express their love towards another, to have them close without bothering about breaking bonds or making their friendship awkward, but most of all, to have someone beside him.

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