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Nasreen woke to the sound of Razia shouting. "What? It's still so early!"

"Get your arse down here you pervert!"

Nasreen had never heard her sister so mad before only when she told her she was gay, she jumped down the wooden stairs. 

"What happened?" she asked. Naveed came to get his jacket he left there yesterday.

"What's the commotion about?" He asked.

"It's about her trying to sleep with our new neighbor Izza!" Razia shouted pointing to Nasreen.

"What, I was not.... you assume so much! I.. would never- I hate you!" Nasreen bursted into tears and then ran upstairs.

After a lot of commotion and screaming she got ready and left for school taking another path to school with Naveed.

"Is it true?"

"NO, a little, maybe a lot, yes it is true." She said in guilt.

"You actually, like actually tried to play with her?"

"She acted like she was on, like actually on, she kept giving me those signs, and then I kept going more and more in- then I found out she had fallen asleep, I was as confused as my mother- but kind of understood because she wasn't really talking to me- like the whole time I was trying to fuck with her."

"So wait who was she?"


"The girl who sits beside me in biology?"


"O my god she is actually so hot, seeing her gets me feeling straight!" She shoved him irritably.

"I am actually serious!"

"So wait does she know you like her?"

"No, she was sleeping the whole time- except I didn't see her in the morning," she said panicking. "Only mama talked to her, shit!"

"It's alright! By the way, what was she doing in your house?"

"She's got a mother like Missy who got heartbroken after the death of her youngest son and her father and older brother left the both of them. She's working parttime at MacDonald's."

"You fancy her?"

"Yes, not going to lie- I thought she was a little disrespectful at the start but really, she is so sweet!"

"Is she gay?"

"I actually don't know-"

"But by the way she looks at Riz, I think I have an answer," Naveed said looking down.

"Yeah, the rumor is going around that he's screwing on her. How long has it bin since his breakup from Hayley?"

"Five weeks now, it was when she came Izza. Maybe they are sleeping together, having a hidden relationship- maybe Riz is not trying to tell people it because of what happened to him and Hayley." 

"No that only happened, because she was fifteen and he was sixteen, both Riz and Izza seventeen."

"Are you getting jealous-"

"I am not getting jealous of someone who was never mine!"

"She would be yours if she was gay- I promise she could never fight that urge of screwing with you!"

"But she probably isn't," they made it to school, outside were kids splattered. Both Naveed and Nasreen sat on a bench. 

"You still fancy Sam don't you?" He asked as she was playing around with a ball and a few girls.

"Shut-up! You keep talking about my love life, what about you prince, huh? Making things out with dancy pants are yeah?"

"No..." he chuckled with a shake of his head.

Martin was walking through the hallways of the school when Hassan caught sight of him.

"Hey, I need to talk to you-"

"Not right now, need to talk to Mrs. Oaks!" He said trying to walk past him hurriedly.

"Sorry, no I need to talk to you-"

"Say it, better be quick-"

"How old are you man?"

"I am sorry, elucidate to me what are you asking?" Martin asked annoyedly.

"To be screwing up with Samantha Murgatroyd?"

The wind didn't leave his throat. shock enveloped his white face. "What do yeah mean, are you on crack or something? Where did yeah get the fucking idea?"

"Some pictures leaked on Mrs. Oaks account with her and Corrie- fucking. She had those pictures private and only I saw them because they added to my account. Later yesterday night she told me that you made those photos of Corrie and her because both you and Samantha were on a relationship because she knew that- and some fucking bullshit, that I really don't believe- she is gonna give me the evidence that you photo shopped those photos. Look as my duty as a teacher, I need to tell this to the police."

"It's bullshit! I was going to her fucking office to ask her about the affair she is having with corrie- I heard it from Samantha she saw them fucking in her car after detention, by Acklet Market that's by her current hostel!!" He said slamming his face into Hassan's. 

"Thank you, because really I do believe you and I believed you before you said all that, but right now I would love to get the evidence Mrs. Oaks promised me and I need to report all of this to the school Officials-" 

"Hello what are you guys doing over here, I mean I called you in Mr. Hassan but Mr. Evershed?"

"Yeah I'll just go I came here to ask Mr. Hassan something-"

"His room was that way-"

"He saw me while I was trying to walk to you."

"Yes, I will want both you teachers into my office right now." She said while pointing to fingers them and then beckoning to her room.

As both of them sat down Hassan could see that she was sweating a little bit regarding the morning's cold wind. 

"Yes, so Mr. Evershed the hostel officials caught you door shut with Samantha Murgatroyd in her hostel, you brushed it off with her sexuality. I didn't inquire you then but now since you blamed me on having an affair with my student-"

"What bullshit are you on about? I tell you that you better-"

"Don't speak to your headteacher like that Martin Evershed." She said with a small annoyed frown.

"Look, we have to involve the child services on that because clearly one of you to are bound in a relationship with one of the kids," Hassan said. He shared a glance to Mr. Evershed.

"Keep your calm, Mr. Hassan through the end of it it's my responsibility to do something like that, and since the blame in on the headmistress I forbid and of you to take any step. Am I clear?" She asked.

"Yes your majesty," he growled angrily. 

"Now leave."

"Martin," Hassan called as he rushed outside to get the angry teacher.

"What do you want? HUH? You literally just embarrassed me-"

"Embarrassed you? Excuse me, you staying door shut with Sam embarrassed yourself, stop blaming it on others. I wanna help you, stop pushing me away or-"

"Or what huh-"

"Or I'll let the child services deal with this." Hassan saw that Martin had a small pained hurt in his eyes, like a abused child who's cried to many tears when he looked up and glared in his eyes..  

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