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Hassan, Martin, Corrie and Alya all exited the police campus making their way to Mandy's red jeep. It was truly all rumours Alya taught. She would have hated if it was all true. But Corrie's reaction assured her it was rumoured. He was never interested in that old hag. He never fell in love with her, nothing shitty like that took place.

"What you thinking about?" It was Corrie nudging her with his shoulder. The two teachers walked briskly behind them.

"Izza likes Riz?"

"Yeah, so you really should start being nice to her- because the feelings aren't one-sided."

"I already guessed that," she looked to the dark clouded sky. Suddenly she realized something. "That's why you're treating her less of a bitch you could fuck anytime and more of a girl who you should respect," she sarcastically said.

"Nah Al," he said with a roll of eyes. "She just really scares me."

She gave a disgusted grunt.

"And you know how I know both of them like each other."

"How?" she asked genuinely interested.

"Riz kissed her, on the cheek."

Alya's eyes grew wide. "What was her reaction?"

"She called him a pig then ran to school."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes so much proof that there romantically involved, or she even likes my brother."

Divided We Stand: Ackley BridgeWhere stories live. Discover now