unwelcome visitor

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"Dealing drugs to kids is a major no-no, mister." Jason smirked, firing his gun at the drug dealer and shooting him through the head. "Two down, one to go. Now, where are you, you motherfu-" Jason cursed as he felt the blade enter his torso, grunting as he whirled around to face his assailant. He pulled the blade out, slashing the man's throat in one fell swoop. Jason grabbed his bleeding side, assessing his wound. "Well, it was self defense so B can't get mad at me."

Stumbling his way through the streets of Gotham, Jason tumbled into the zeta tube and pressed the button, not realizing he was in the wrong tube until it was too late. "Motherfu-" The tube announced his arrival and Jason stumbled out, holding his still bleeding side. Too weak to turn around, Jason fell to his knees and groaned. "That son of a bitch really got me good."

The sound of footsteps sounded out throughout the cave causing Jason to look up in time to see his two brothers and their team around him in a half circle, all in defensive positions. When Nightwing saw the familiar red helmet, he lowered his fists. "Hood? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, D, mind giving me a hand back to the cave?" Jason coughed, a trickle of blood falling out of his mouth. Jason cursed, taking his helmet off while silently thanking he remembered to wear his domino mask underneath his helmet tonight.

When Tim saw the blood trickling out of Jason's mouth and the corresponding stab wound he immediately went into analytical mode, pushing past Jaime and Bart to get to his brother. "Hood, you won't make it to the cave in this condition. We have to patch you up here."

"What? Are you crazy?" Conner hissed, glaring at the criminal in front of him. "You two work out of Gotham so you know how he is first hand, not just through stories. And trust me, those stories reach far."

Jason smirked, coughing up a little more blood as Tim helped him stagger to his feet. "Thanks, Supes Jr. I try."

"That wasn't a compliment."

Jason shrugged as best he could as he leaned heavily on Tim, Dick coming up to support his other side. "Come on, let's get you to the medbay."

"What? No way! We are not helping a villain!" Artemis cried out, stepping into the path of the three brothers.

"Look, do you guys want a teenager's death on your hands?" Dick snapped, ignoring the shocked gasps and muttered 'Red Hood is a teenager?'s as he glared through his domino mask. When the team didn't reply, Dick nodded once. "Thought so. Now move Artemis, or need I remind you who your sister is?"

"That's different, she's my sister!" Artemis snapped as she stepped aside with a huff.

Tim mumbled something unintelligible as the three bats walked past towards the medical bay with the team in tow, Batgirl shaking her head with small knowing smile on her face.

She couldn't wait to see how this would play out.

Who do you think the Red Hood is? And why are Robin and Nightwing just helping him?

I don't know, I'm confused as well.

M'gann, are you getting any readings on him?

None, it's like he knows how to block all of my telepathic moves...

That's weird.

Nightwing and Robin seem to know him personally, so why haven't they turned him in?

Maybe they are only patching him up before they turn him over to Batman?


Did you see how worried they looked when they saw his wounds?

This is strange, indeed.

The team followed Dick and Tim as they practically dragged Jason into the medical bay, throwing him onto the table. Tim commanded Jason take his shirt off, which earned him a snarky reply from the anti-hero. Dick busied himself with gathering supplies as Tim assessed the wound, the team standing off to the side, observing the bats at work.

"It looks like it is just tissue damage, but Agent A should be able to tell you more after we stop the initial bleeding." Tim noted, applying pressure to the wound and making Jason hiss. "What were you up to tonight, Hood?"

"Busting up a drug dealing ring. They dealt to children, middle schoolers." Jason grit out as Tim applied antiseptics.

"So they didn't make it out of there alive, I presume?" Dick said with mild annoyance.

"Nope and you can tell B, I don't give two fu-"

"Language, Hood." Tim scowled, applying more pressure and getting a glare from Jason in response. "You promised you would try to stop killing."

"Key word, try, but those fu-"


"-ckers dealt to twelve year olds. No way could scum like that live." Jason spat out in anger, glaring harshly at the team as they watched Tim wipe away the excess blood from the wound. "What? Never seen a stab wound before?"

"We have, just don't understand why you aren't in handcuffs."


"Shut up, Hood." Dick stifled a snicker as Tim and the younger members of the team flushed red.

"Can you hurry it up? I got places to be." Jason groaned in annoyance.

"Oh yeah? Like where?" Artemis shot back. "Besides prison."

"Nice one." Jason rolled his eyes. "I have work to do."

"Hood, you are in no condition-"

Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!

Alarms started blaring and Tim paused his stitching to look over at Dick. "Wanna go see what that's about while I finish up here?"

"Sure thing. Team?" Dick looked up for his friends but they had already run from the room towards the zeta tubes. Dick sighed, running down the hallway towards his team and the intruders. He came to halt, almost slamming into Kaldur's back from the sudden stop. "What's going on?"

Nobody answered Dick, they were too busy staring at the three newcomers, all dressed in costume, who were glaring at Dick as he pushed his way forward. The girl in the purple hood was the one to approach Dick, causing the team to tense up and get in defensive positions yet again. The girl saw this and rolled her blue eyes, returning her glare to Dick. She brought her arm back and punched him in the face, making Dick stumble back a few feet from the force.

The team was about to jump into action when Dick held up a hand to stop them, chuckling a bit. "Good to see you too, Spoiler."

"Don't you 'good to see you, Spoiler' me, 'Wing! How could you?" She roared, kicking Dick in the shins. Dick winced, jumping back to avoid her fist again. "Why were we not invited to the family reunion at the mountain?"

Family reunion?!

Who are these people?

Batgirl, you've been very quiet, do you know anything?

My lips are sealed.

Come on!

So not crash.

Just then the lights in the cave went out and another announcement sounded out.

Lockdown mode: Activated.

Dick groaned and even from halfway across the cave, everyone heard Jason's yell.

"Oh, you've got to be shitting me!"

Author's note: So this takes place in season two time, but Kaldur never went undercover and Wally is still alive, but does not know the Bats IDs.

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