back at it again

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I stand corrected.

On what point? You didn't make a statement that would warrant correcting.

You know what, getting real tired of your shi-

Shh! I'm watching!

Watching them bake necessitates silence? Seriously?

Listen closely, you can hear Hood singing...

Sure that isn't the voice in your head?

I swear I will-

No, I hear it too. Is he singing-

'Let It Go'?!

I told you guys, you haven't lived until you've seen Red Hood cry while watching Frozen.

But it isn't even emotional!

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know...well now they know!" Jason sung under his breath while he furiously mixed the cookie dough, completely oblivious to his and M'gann's audience. He sniffled, glad his domino mask was still on to conceal his tears.

The movie just struck a nerve with him.

I wonder, does he relate to Anna or Elsa?

Probably Olaf, let's be real.

Be nice.

What? Olaf is lovable...somewhat.

Are you saying you love Red Hood, Red Robin?

Well, he is technically family.


We have established this already, like, twelve times Jaime.

I know, but still.


What's with all the Disney references?

Nightwing here loves his Disney.

Hey, so does Spoiler and Black Bat! Not just me!

So, to get this straight, the only two not related to you all is Batgirl and Spoiler, seeing as they are or have dated you guys?


And are you blood relatives of Batman?

Yes and no, only Robin is.

My head hurts.

"Cookies are almost done!" M'gann gleefully called out, her timing impeccable as Bart looked three seconds away from another meltdown. The team and the Bats all gathered around the kitchen island as M'gann and Jason finished icing their cookies. They brought them over, presenting them with a dramatic flourish of their wrists. "Voila!"

"They look delicious! At least, M'gann's do." Cassie shot Jason a glare, reaching for a cookie only to have her hand smacked away. "Hey! What was that for? How am I supposed to taste the cookies if I can't grab one?"

Jason and M'gann shared a look, seeming to have a quick telepathic conversation before he sighed in a melodramatic fashion. "Fine, but everyone close your eyes. We are going to mix them up so you can't tell whose is whose."

"But we know what they look like?"

"Shut up before I end you." With some grumblings, the teens listened to Jason for once and closed their eyes as he mixed up the cookies.

What if he poisoned them?

Don't worry, we have the antidotes to all his poisons.

That...isn't as reassuring as you think it is.

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