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Inaya's POV

I blink a few times as well as rub my eyes to make sure what I was seeing is real.

There are three men, all dressed in black and the fourth man is dressed in a mix of black and white.

Two men hold one of guys as the one wearing black and white stares at him. His expression is not readable because I'm not close enough. His white shirt is smeared in the colour red, which I assume is blood.

He looks like he's been beaten but everyone's in such a bad shape that I can't tell whether the blood is his own or someone else's.

As he stares at the man being held, the man in black and white isn't slumped at all, his body is clearly too muscular for that, yet it is just as relaxed as his face. He's almost smiling - smiling as if something good were about to happen, but in a most sinister, vile way.

The silence around me is making my heart beat sound louder than reality.

Then, suddenly, the man, who looks like as if he's the leader of the whole thing going on, whips his head to meet my eyes directly. Then, the world feels like as if it falls through my feet.

He squints his eyes and I know for a fact he's seen me because he's staring straight into my eyes. This sends a jolt of goosebumps throughout my body as a feeling of darkness clouds my mind.

This isn't good. This is not good. 

I quickly look down at my lap and begin to pray feverishly. As I slightly tilt my head up to peak at the scene a few seconds later, and to my horror, everyone had disappeared.

I start frantically sweating. It's like that feeling when you see a spider in your room and seconds later it disappears, sending you into a frenzy because now you don't know if it's closer or further away from you.

"Hey." Rachel says, making me physically jump off my seat. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I let out a sigh of relief. "No! It's okay. I'm glad you're back with a nice cup of tea." I smile.

"I brought you your favourite! French vanilla cappuccino!" She grins.

My heart melts at her sweet gesture. "Thank you so much! You really didn't have to."

The rest of the way was a nice quiet ride back home. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had witnessed though, it was absolutely frighteningly violent.

Should I report it to the authorities?

Maybe not... I don't even know exactly what the culprits look like. I wouldn't be able to give any type of description. I know for a fact that the cops will not take it seriously.

But I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that passed through me when my eyes met that man's.

As I make my way inside the house, I hear yelling.

"We should get her married and out of this house!" My uncle yells.

"Then, who's going to cook and clean everything for you?" My aunt says calmly.

Oh, they're talking about me.

I slowly and quietly make my way up the stairs, not wanting to eavesdrop.

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