[ 34 ]

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A/N: I love adding songs to intensify scenes. This one's very specific and starts right in the beginning of the chapter. If the link above doesn't work, on YouTube, search "Joji slow dancing in the dark but you go into a bathroom at a party to cry". IM NOT JOKING. IT HITS DIFFERENT + PERFECT FOR THIS SCENE!

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Inaya's POV

I run down the stairs, in sobbing tears. My feet are aching from running on heels but I didn't stop. I rush out, pushing through the loud, bustling crowd of people to get out.

I push the door open and it loudly shuts behind me. I didn't stop until I got inside the car.

I can still hear the loud, but muffled music coming from the building.

My tears have blurred my vision but I blink away a couple of times, trying to clear up my distorted view. Slowly, things started to focus. The night is dark, gloomy and I could barely see.

The darkness reminds me how I would've been better off inside, at home.

The frost in the distance is covered in the frost of the chilly night. The cold air made it harder to breathe, which isn't helping since my breathing is already limited enough.

I can't help but think back to what just happened.

This man, he hurt me, then he showed me kindness to some extent: this cycle kept repeating. And at some terrifying point, my heart was stolen and in the hands of the man who technically put the finishing touches on my already broken life.

He set fire to my soul, showed me colours of the flames in a different light. Those lively and fascinating flames danced around my heart, lighting up very dark inch. Little did I know, those beautiful flames will burn me.

But wait, I did know, didn't I? I warned myself but my heart never listens to my head. When does it ever? My emotions always triumph over my logic. I always care too much, give too much, love too much and rarely ever receive any of it in return.

My own parents, for God's sake, didn't love me. Is that why my heart attached itself to anyone merely showing me the slightest of interest?

It shouldn't hurt this much. I dug this grave myself and I buried myself as well. He didn't show love, he rarely showed like. He only showed lust, that lust blinded me. I frayed from my path of goodness because I was desperate for attention from another soul who could fill my loneliness and this is what I find.

My fingers are clenched so hard into my palms that my nails are digging into my skin, dripping small blood drops into the steering wheel.

I found the Devil to give my heart to so what did I expect in return? A sweet, happily ever after?

I started this journey to hopefully escape but now, even if I run as far as I can, I'll never escape but he's captured an essential part of me: my love.

I can escape to the opposite ends of Earth and only he will occupy my thoughts; only he will keep me up at night; only he will...

But what will he do in return? He will do what he's done tonight. Hurt me. In every way possible. He'll hurt me using ways that will stop me from breathing, that will make me cry, and maybe, eventually, be the one who will take my life.

What have I done? Where do I go from here?

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I'm sure I sat in the car for a good 20 minutes but when I look at the clock, it was only five minutes.

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