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Inaya's POV

It's been a few days since I last saw Dominic or anyone for that matter.

Cat drops by for a few minutes after work but she's been given so many cases because of my sudden disappearance. I feel so guilty for all of this, I asked her to secretly drop off some of the cases I was working on and I'll do it for her. She's totally down for the idea.

Angela dropped by once but said she's a big part of the party planning so she'll be busy up until the day.

Literally, I have no clue where either of the Belcastro brothers are. And I've learned to not ask what they've been up to.

I've been pretty much alone lately. I roam the house, get lost sometimes, try to keep myself from dying of boredom. I know there's a library in this house somewhere, there has to be one.

I've seen every movie, tv show, documentary with big houses and every single one has a hidden, giant library.

Though I don't venture off too much in case there's parts of the house that are... off limits, I try to take peaks everywhere. I even become curious if there are secret entrances and exits. Maybe if I click something, I'll discover something else.

Once I reach another room, which looks like a study, similar to a library but not quite. It gives off more of a office vibes, rather than a book room.

I sigh in disappointment and defeat, "Maybe he doesn't have a secret library."

I look around the room and trace my fingers on across the chocolate coloured, wooden desk. A large, dark chair tucked neatly under the desk. It looks like it belongs to a king.

Of course, Dominic only has the best.

A picture frame catches my eye. It's placed in the corner of the desk, facing the chair. Perfectly placed so one would be able to admire it when sitting at the desk.

I pick up the frame and it's a picture of a family... a normal looking family.

A tall man, handsome and young. His dark, well-kept hair matches his deep eyes. He's well-built; athletic. He resembles Dominic and Nicholas in different ways. He looks slightly worn out, however, there still seems to be some happiness in his eyes.

His arms are around the shoulders of a slender, petite woman. She, too, has dark hair but her eyes are a hazel. Her pale skin stands out against her silky, bouncy hair. Her eyes give off a more tired, weary look. As if she's exhausted and hasn't had a good night's sleep in a while.

But her smile is similar to the man's: there's happiness there somewhere but it looks like they're holding on by a thread.

In front of them, two young boys. I immediately recognize them. The taller boy with the big brown eyes, forcing a smile in the picture: definitely Dominic. The smaller boy in the arms of his father, with the fuller cheeks and the more hazel eyes resembling the woman: definitely Nicholas.

Of course these people are the boys' parents. Dominic looks more like his father: the sharp features, the dark eyes, the grumpy look. Nicholas, on the other hand, adapted to many of his mother's features: the softer eyes, fuller smile, the gentle expression.

This picture tells a narrative, not a clear one but if one looks closely, you can really see it. It looks like it was taken during a time where they were holding onto every bit of their joy by a thread that was already ripping, already broken. Even little Dominic in the picture looks like he knew something wasn't right, while little Nicholas looks like the carefree toddler that he should be.

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