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Inaya's POV

I blink open my eyes slowly, noticing that I'm sitting on a chair.

My head's aching from the split pain in my stomach. It almost feels like I got kicked in my guts.

As my eyed begin to settle around the dimly lit room, I slowly begin to recognize it.

It's Dominic's chamber... the one he uses for his enemies to torture them...

I pull on my arm but it's tied behind my back. There's a faint taste of blood in my mouth. When I lick the corners of my mouth, the rusty taste heightens and it stings.

Suddenly, my body goes into straight panic mode. My arms and legs thrashing to be let go but there's no hope.

My heart's pounding in my chest, my breathing quickens. Every inch of my body is screaming for an escape route.

"Inaya?" A voice calls out from the corner of the room.

He calls out my name as if he's not sure, as if he's taking a guess because he can't see me.

I squint my eyes to try to focus on the figure because I actually can't see him. But it's too dark, the one lightbulb in the room isn't lighting up the huge room enough.

But the voice... it's one I haven't heard from in a while...

"Nicholas?" I call out.

His silhouette shuffles slightly. "Yes! Oh my God! I thought they killed you, I thought you were dead!"

"W-what are you doing there?" I ask him, knowing well that he was supposedly kidnapped.

"I'm... tied to a chair." He sighs.

"How long have I been here?" I ask.

"About three days. They've been..." He pauses and cuts his sentence off. "You know what? Never mind."

"They've been what, Nick? Tell me." I push him to tell me what happened.

"They... you're beat up pretty badly." His voice is quiet.

"How badly?" I ask just as quietly.

"I don't know. I really wish I could tell but it's too dark. It didn't sound good when they were beating you up. I tried to stop them but I think–I think I might've only made it worst." He sounds like a helpless puppy.

"Why... why can't I feel much?" It's true. I could barely feel any of the pain.

There's a splitting headache, the throbbing of my stomach and the taste of blood but nothing major. I don't feel any broken bones... or is that I can't feel them?

"They also doped you up a lot. It was to get you to tell them some information about Dominic but you didn't budge, not even under chemical influence. It was pretty badass." He chuckles.

I sigh. I guess, in a way, it's good that I have all these drugs in my system or else only God knows how much pain I'd be feeling.

"Wait, Dominic... Where's Dominic?"

Isn't it weird that we're in our home yet he isn't here?

Nick gives a sad laugh. "They sent him on a goose chase; they told him they sent us abroad."

All of a sudden, anger rises through me. "You drugged me and you sold me off, didn't you? You mixed something in Dominic's drink that night and took those pictures to pit me against him? You couldn't stand to see your brother happy for once! Just this once, you couldn't let him have what he deserves, just one bit of happiness!"

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