Chapter 2 ~ Hell in a handbasket

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Isla's POV

I wake up to my phone blaring the chorus to 'Don't Let Me Down' by the Chainsmokers. I guess that means it's time to get ready for school. I walk into my bathroom, shower brush my teeth and barely put any make up on. I comb through my long brown hair and let it air dry since it's naturally straight. I throw on my black skinny jeans and a blue top that hangs off one shoulder. I grab my backpack and about to head downstairs when I remember I should probably grab a hoodie. Maybe I can try and slip into school without anyone noticing me.

"Morning, darling!" My mother excitedly exclaims. "Are you ready for your first day of your senior year?"

No. No. No. I want to scream but instead I say, "Yep, looking forward to it." Liar.

"Good morning, Sweetheart." My dad says as he gives me a kiss on the forehead. "We forgot to give you your birthday present yesterday," handing me a small box wrapped in baby blue paper.

I slowly open the present, knowing they weren't supposed to by me anything this year. I had asked them to donate to one of the local foster homes for kids my age as my gift. I did this every year. I'm blessed with an amazing family. Other are less fortunate, so for my birthday I would rather make others happy and I get joy from that. I especially like helping kids my age, because even though I like to keep the donation anonymous, I feel that it gives me a special connection with them.

"Keys? Car keys?!" I run outside and see a brand-new Nissan Armanda. "But why? I thought we agreed to a donation to local foster home for teens."

"Sweetheart, we still gave them a donation, but we really wanted to you have this." My dad says while hugging me.

"But dad, I don't need a vehicle. I am fine with walking." I protest.

"Darling." My mom says while kissing my forehead. "You never ask for anything. It's a big year for you. You just turned 18 and it's your final year of high school. You deserve it. You really do. We have money. It's okay to spend it on yourself every now and then." I hug my mom tightly while a few tears escape my eyes.

"What wrong sweetheart?" My dad questions. "Do you not like it?"

"No, I love it! Thank you. Both of you." My parents had bought me my dream car for my birthday. I know what you're thinking. A Nissan Armanda, that's a huge SUV. Shouldn't I want something smaller or more girly? To answer your question. This is the vehicle I've wanted for a while now. It's perfect.

After thanking my parents for the umptieth time I decided to head to school early. I had already printed my new schedule online, so I didn't need to stop by the front office. Maybe I can slip into class before anyone notices me.

Once I got to school, I throw my hooding on and walk as quick as possible to my first period class which happens to be history. I make my way inside my history class and of course, I am the first student. I greet the teacher and then make my way to a corner seat in the back of the classroom near the windows. I know what you're thinking. Shouldn't I be sitting in the front row like a nerd? First, I really like staring out the window. Second, I am more of a loner than a nerd. I don't go home a study for hours to make good grades. It just comes naturally for me. I also don't want to be a loner, but since freshman year when my ex best friend decided she hated me, no one wants to hang out with me, hence being a loner. I pull out a book from my bag and start reading as the class starts to fill up. The bell rings signally that it's time for class and to no surprise the seat beside me is still empty. I sigh. Doesn't look like this year is going to be any better than the previous three.

The teacher, Mrs. Carte, starts to introduce herself and goes over what we will be learning for the year and what expectations she has for us. By now I'm consume in my own thoughts looking out the window, that I haven't even notice that a student has come in late and is sitting next to me.

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