Chapter 31 ~ Big mistake going against me

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Isla's POV

Today is finally Friday. It has been a long week with the fight after school on Monday, and Luke being kicked out of Beth's and moving into my house on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday weren't as crazy, but they were both still bad. On Wednesday, someone—I'm pretty sure it was Chelsea—posted on the school's social media page that Luke was given up by his father and put into foster care because he wasn't worth the trouble he caused. It also said that he was kicked out of his foster home because he was dangerous and might attack the younger kids. Luke was more than upset, but hid it well from the other people in our school. I wish I could say that he really was okay, but I heard him crying in his room when he thought everyone had gone to sleep.

On Thursday, Nick was the one who made it to the social media page. I don't know much about Nick's past, but from what I got from Hayden and Luke, the social media post wasn't far from the truth. It had said Nick's parents were avid drug users and when they didn't have money to buy drugs, they tried to sell a three-year-old Nick. It also talks about Nick's anger issues. Luke and Nick went home early Thursday. It was probably for the best, because both looked like they were going to kill someone at the drop of a pin.

Hayden, Killian, Sofia and I arrived at school before our usual time today, and are sitting under the willow tree, waiting for the start of the day. We decided to show up early to avoid as many people as possible once the next post is posted on the school's social media page. Whoever is posting all this stuff does it around seven-thirty every morning. Everyone in the school seems to be waiting for it with anticipation, except for us.

Around seven-fifthteen, the four of us walked to our first period. We take our normal seats and wait for a notification that signals a new post has been posted on the school's page. The four of us sit there in an awkward silence. Sofia finally breaks it by saying, "It's going to be either me or Killian, if not both of us. We are the only two left."

Killian's body stiffens. "Sofe, don't worry about it. We'll be okay."

"But, Kill..."

I grab Sofia's hand gently to comfort her. "Maybe not. Both of y'all are new. Plus, y'all have some scary friends outside of the school. Chelsea would be stupid to mess with the two of you."

Sofia plasters a smile on her face and flips her hair. "You're right. Even if she does say something about me and my brother, we are strong individuals with good friends, which is more than she can ever say."

Sofia and I hug, but jump when all four of our phones beep, notifying us of a new post on the school's page. My hands are trembling too much to pick up my phone. Sofia pushes her phone away from her, causing it to fall off her desk, but Killian catches it before it lands on the floor. "I'll check," Hayden, the most brave of us, says.

His eyebrows narrow in confusion as he checks his phone. "Is it that bad?" I squeak.

Giving us an apprehension look Hayden turns his phone in our direction for us to see.

Tsk. Tsk. Big mistake going against me. Anyone who decides to go against me will regret it.

"What the hell does that mean?" Killian questions. I'm about to tell the guys about the foreboding feeling I have when there is a loud commotion in the hallway.

Hayden and Killian quickly jump out of their seats and rush into the hallway. "Fight. Fight. Fight," is being chanted all around.

Sofia and I make our way into the hallway to see two guys attacking Tyler. Tyler looks bad. As they punch him, I notice another bruise already on him. Grabbing on to Hayden's arm I pull him closer to the fight. "Stop them." I cry.

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