Chapter 65 ~ I'll kill everybody

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Luke/Lucas' POV

I wanted to argue about Hayden, Nick and Sofia getting to see Isla first. If it wasn't for me, none of them would even know her. She was my friend first. I've known her for the longest. But I didn't argue, because it's all my fault that she's in there fighting for her life.

I thought the worst part of my day was going to be her telling me she chose someone over me, instead that seems like nothing now. The worst part of my day is not knowing if she's going to make it. I won't survive without her. I can't and I won't.

The stupid clock in the waiting room keeps ticking driving me insane. Tick. Tick. Tick. I'm about to scream when a hand weighs down on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Looking up, I see that it's Killian. I shake my head. "If she dies, this is my fault. This is all my fault." I cry. "I want her to be happy. I really do, but I couldn't tell her it was okay to be with Hayden. I wanted to, and I know he's a good guy, but I couldn't give her up." Raking my hands through my hair, I start to pull at it in aggravation. "Why am I so screwed in the head? Why can't I be normal like everyone else?" I cry looking at Killian. "This is why my dad didn't want me. This is why I couldn't have friends. Isla was the only one besides my mom who was there for me. Now I have no one."

"Don't say that." Killian says, sitting beside me. "You have all of us. And trust me when I say there is no such thing as normal. People only pretend to be normal, but what is it really?" I shrug, not knowing how to answer it. "Exactly. You don't know what normal is because there is no such thing. Everyone walks around with their own demons. There are just some who are better at hiding them than others."

"Thanks, Killian, but I'm pretty sure you are my only friend left."

As I say that, Tyler plops down on the seat next to me. "That hurts man. I thought I was your friend."

"You still want to be my friend? After hurting Isla and Hayden, you still consider me a friend?" I ask, looking at Tyler with a puzzled look. "What if she doesn't make it? How will y'all feel about me then knowing it's my fault she's dead?"

Tyler stays silent thinking before he groans out loud. "Look Luke, Nick told us about the three of you. He told us how at times you can't help what you're doing. I'm not going to abandon you because your screws are a little loose in your head. Neither is anyone else. We are all on edge right now, with not knowing what's going to happen to Isla. Isla being shot is not your fault."

"But if I didn't cause her to run away or if we were with her at the time then we could-"

"No!" Tyler growls. "Chelsea is crazy. Chelsea did this. There is nothing any of us could have done to stop this. None of us, including Isla, knew that Chelsea was capable of doing this. Chelsea would have still done what she did. It would have just been another time and another place."

I really want to believe what Tyler is saying but it's hard too. The three of us sit in silence all staring out in space. "So, who were you on the phone with?" Killian asks Tyler.

"My parents." Tyler says quietly, like he wasn't sure if he should tell us or not. "I let them know about Isla, and they're flying here now. Once she's stable enough to be transported, my parents are going to have her move to a better hospital that they work closely with. They already have a room ready and she will be monitored 24/7. My parents will also be a part of her medical team."

"That's good news, right?" Killian says.

"Only if she makes it through the next twenty-four hours." I say as I bury my head into my hands.

"Don't say that." Tyler hisses. "She will make it. It's Isla we're talking about. She wouldn't leave Isabelle and Isaac and she wouldn't leave us. She will make it. She has too." Tyler sighs. "Also, my parents are hiring the best lawyers that money can buy for Isla's case against Chelsea. As my dad put it, by the time they're finished with Chelsea, she'll never see the light of day again."

Don't Give Up On Me ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora