Chapter 23 ~ Of course, it's your damn fault

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Isla' POV

I've been running for what seems like hours. In reality it seems that I've been running for about thirty minutes. I stop running and find myself at a deserted park. There's a beauty in this old park. It's been worn down from the weather and time, but there is a tranquility to it. This park seems so familiar. After surveying the area, it dawns on me.

This is the park that my foster parents took me to first meet Alissa and Ramiro. This is the park I also first met Luke at. The wind blows the park causing the swings to slightly sway gaining my attention. I walk over to the swings and take a seat. Tears fill my eyes as I am met with memories of my parents and old best friend. Thinking of Luke causes me even more pain. I remember the sweet kid that once would push me on this very swing that I am sitting on now.

I remember how a kid that was a few years older than me, pulled me off the swing because he wanted it. Luke hadn't taken very kindly to the older boy taking the swing from me. He had tackled the boy off the swing so that I could have it back. Thinking of him causes my head to hurt and for more tears to betray me as they fall from my eyes continually. How can my once sweet best friend turn around and call me a slut? How could he make out with Chelsea? How can I love someone who has hurt me so badly?

But how can I not love Luke? Thinking that he may come back for me all these years is what helped me get through the name-calling and bullying that Chelsea caused me. How was he there the entire time right in front of my nose yet I didn't recognize him? Do I still love him? I do, but it's strained. Do I give up on him? I always said I wouldn't, but I don't know anymore.

He was the one that I loved, but after the pain goes, I need to say goodbye and allow myself to heal? What about Hayden? My feelings for him are growing, but I don't know about him either. He's been nothing but kind to me. He hasn't turned his back on me, but with part of me still loving Luke would it be fair to Hayden. What if I can't stop loving Luke?

I don't want to lead Hayden on. He's a great person and deserves someone that isn't broken like me. Silently I cry, throwing myself a pity party with all the thoughts in my head, but I snap back to reality when I hear leaves crunching beneath someone's feet getting near me. I try to wipe the tears from my eyes. The guys must have realized I left and went out searching for me. I continue to swing with my head bowed. I don't want to face who found me.

I don't care which guy it is. He sits on the swings next to me and slowly swings alongside me. "Angel, why is a beautiful girl like yourself crying all alone in this old park?"

His voice is deep and smooth like velvet. Looking at him, I am surprised to find myself met with a stranger. I had expected to see Hayden or Nick. Maybe even Luke, but instead I find myself looking at a beautiful guy with blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. "Sorry," I whisper.

"It's nothing," I say as I force a smile onto my face.

He looks me in the eye and it's as if he can see straight into my soul seeing all the pain that lives within me. "Angel, your smile is nothing more than a lie. Your eyes are like an open book. I see the pain and hurt. By no means do you have to tell me anything? We just met, but I can tell you're struggling. I see it, and I care. I would love to help you."

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"You don't know me. We don't even know each other's names. Nothing good will come from you befriending me."

My words seem to strike a note with him as he gives me a puzzled look. "I-I don't know. There's something about you. I want to know you. How about we start with something simple."

He puts his hand out for me to shake. "Hi, I'm Killian. I'm new here," he says with a genuine smile.

I give him a small smile in return before taking his hand and shaking it. "I'm Isla. It's nice to meet you."

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