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"People will only hurt you if you don't treat them like they're better," Master says. "That's why if you ever choose choice two then you need to treat them like they're better than you."

"But how do I do that?" I ask, quietly.

"Well you can take the blame for everything they do wrong or make them food often or just expose yourself to them so they can take advantage of you,"

"But what if they hurt me?"

"It doesn't matter," Toby looks at me while sharpening his knife. "You're a toy for anyone that wants enjoyment, so you will obey them."

"Can it be someone that loves me?"

"Only if you choose someone that loves you,"

I look down, "What if they treat me like a normal human?"

"Then convince them you're theirs and they can do whatever they want with you, because you're not a normal human, you're disgusting trash,"

"That makes sense Master,"

That makes sense...


Tord Pov:

I walk into the kitchen to see.. Tom cooking? But it's my turn to cook today...

"Hey Tom, what're you doing up?" I ask, walking over to him with my hands in my pockets.

Tom turns to me in surprise before smiling and saying, "Just making breakfast!"

"But it's my time to cook," I look at the food he's making, bacon and toast?

"I'm going to be making breakfast from now on,"

"Oh, why?-" When Tom stretches I can see a single dark red cut on his arm, this makes my eyes widen.

"I just thought I'd take the job since you all have been worrying so mu-"

"Tom, have you been lying to us?" My face darkens as I look down.

Tom faces me and flinches at my change of mood, "Wh-what do you mean Tord?"

I look up at him with tears in my eyes, "Lift your sleeves."

Tom gives me a nervous smile,"What? Why?-"

"Just do it," Tom flinches again from my harsh tone of voice and his smile fades as he looks down, he looks like he's thinking. "Then I'll do it myself," I grab his arms and pull the sleeves down, which surprises him, but he doesn't fight back. I see some small but deep cuts littering his arms, this makes my eyes widen. I then grab his shoulders and ask him in panicked whisper, "Why would you say you're okay when you're not Tom?-"

"I-I am okay!-"

"No you're not!" Tom looks to the floor and bites his bottom lip in a worried way.

"Pl-please don't tell the rest..." I look at him with my heart beating rather fast from just looking at his face.

Ever since I started singing to him, I've began to study his face more often. Like how his lips always seem to be smooth and soft looking and how I can somehow tell what his eyes are expressing even when his eyes are like voids.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"You've all been stressing so much these past years without me and I didn't want to put more pressure on you-"

"How do you know we've been stressing?" I look at him in confusion.

"Because you all lie terribly! I know whenever you all lie, it's easy to see.." Tom leans back against the counter. "I didn't want to break you all more than you already are Tord..."

I slightly huff before looking down, "I won't tell, but please don't cut anymore..."

"I promise,"

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