Living Room

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BlowJob Warning
Tord Pov:

"I know something is going on between you two," Edd says to me and I make a very unnoticeable flinch, he's on to me. "What is your relationship with Tom?"

"Well I don't hate him," I respond, wow great answer Tord.. ugh.

"No crap, but I mean are you two a.. thing?" Okay calm down Tord, just lie.

"Of course not Edd, are you asking me this because of that one time Tom and I almost kissed?" There we go, just lie.

"That's a part of it, but you've both also been acting odd. You two are far too close,"

"Aren't friends supposed to be close?"

"No, it's different. You guys act super close, like sharing cups, cuddling, singing to each other, and sometimes you both go into a separate room together and don't come back out for a while. It's worrying me Tord,"

"Aww Edd," I wrap a arm around Edd's shoulder. "Don't worry, Tom and I have just gotten closer since Tom has actually become manageable. Tom isn't really competitive or aggressive anymore, so we don't have much reason to fight."

Edd pulls my arm off his shoulder and steps to face me, he says, "Tord you know why this worries me. We both know Tom has changed and it isn't from the kidnappings itself, Tom's psychologists say he's been brainwashed or someone has convinced him he is worthless. I don't want him falling in love with anyone right now, even with a childhood friend. He isn't stable enough for it and it worries me, he could be taken advantage of so easily."

"Even if Tom and I were in love, why would I take advantage of him?"

"Tord we both know you're a controlling person-"

"Edd I changed a long time ago-"

"You still have that inside of you Tord, I'm afraid it'll come out if Tom gives you the permission to be controlling. I'm not saying you're evil, but you do have a dark side and I don't want Tom to have to experience it because he allows you to," Edd really thinks I still have a dark side? Does everyone think that?

I'm not going to fight him on this right now, "Well luckily Tom and I aren't a thing then,"

"Well if you're lying to me and Tom and you are something, break it right now. The psychologists say there isn't something right with him, they say he's planning something but they don't know what,"

"Oh come on Edd! It's Tom we're talking about! He's far too gentle now to do anything behind one's back! We're going to be fine!"

"Just... be careful,"

"Don't worry Edd," I walk to the door and open it. "But I'll be as careful as I can be for your sake. Talk to you later."

I walk out the door and close it behind me, I sigh of relief. If I'm being honest, I have no idea what Tom and I are now, Tom gives off a lot of signals. He acts like a mastermind that knows everything, like when people lie or the things people are keeping secret, but then he also acts like a flirtatious bottom that just wants to.. you know what. I don't know if I should be worried or not, he already knows too much about my past life, but he also doesn't seem to have any plan on telling anyone. God I'm just so confused.

I walk to the living room and I sit down on the couch, I hear someone walk to the front door and I know it's Edd because I hear him say, "I'm going out to get some dinner, Matt is out at work and Tom's sleeping so be quiet for me Tord because no one else is going to be here to tell you to be quiet."

"Okay Edd," I say and close my eyes. "I might take a nap myself, I don't know."

"Good, cya," Edd walks out the door, thank god. Now I don't have to stress with him watching me every goddamn second, he's far too suspicious of me lately.

After a minute or two I suddenly feel a weight on my lap, I open my eyes to see Tom sitting on my lap and facing me. I go to say, "Tom?" but Tom covers my mouth before I can make a peep, so I give him a confused look.

Tom then whispers, "Edd placed a few microphones around the house, so we have to be quiet. Edd still thinks I'm sleeping and he thinks you're taking a nap, so we have to be dead silent if we want to be together."

I take his hand off my mouth and I whisper, "How do you know all this?" See what I mean? A mastermind. "I never saw him placing microphones and I've been here all day."

"Not important," Tom roughly slams his lips on to mine, quickly turning this encounter into a make out session and grinding against my crouch, instantly creating a boner on both our parts; all that can be heard is the fabric of our pants making friction.

I don't know what Edd is talking about, if anything Tom is taking advantage of me. He comes out of nowhere with information that I could never even dream of knowing then tries to have sex with me, which mind you we've never actually gotten to because Edd continuously cock blocks me, if we're doing this in the living room and Edd comes home in the middle then we're screwed. I just can't believe I'm doing this with someone I used to hate, and I swear to god he used to be a top.

Tom quickly pulls back and saliva breaks between our mouths and he looks down at me with a soft yet lustful smirk, he then whispers, "Want me to pleasure you Master~?" Master again? Man.. that seems far too kinky for Tom..

"Um.. sure?.." I whisper back, which Tom then shifts off my lap and gets on his knees in front of me, he spreads my legs and moves close to my crouch.. Oh no.. is he giving me a blowjob??

As Tom unbuckles my belt and slides it off I begin to panic, we're in the middle of the living room and Edd could come home at any moment! Wait.. why am I panicking now?!

By the time I'm done panicking in my thoughts, Tom has already gotten my pants off me and on the verge of taking off my boxers. Before he can take those off, I stop him with a panicked whisper, "Wait! Tom!"

Tom looks up at me and asks in a whisper, "Yes Tord?"

"Do you.. do you love me? Or are we just friend with benefits? Or if we're something else that I don't know, please explain?"

Tom smirks and rubs my bulge which makes me flinch and blush as he whispers, "It isn't important right now, just enjoy yourself~" Tom then pulls off my boxers and my member springs up, I blush intensely with a mix of embarrassment from exposure of my privates, the idea that Tom is actually doing this to me, and the fact I haven't had a blow job since high school.

Tom takes my member into his hands and gently swirls his tongue around the head, sending shivers down my spine. I close my eyes and let out a low, "F-fuck~.." as he sucks on the tip; I place a hand on his head, slightly gripping his hair.

It feels so good but it also feels so wrong to be doing this in the living room, I'm going to get into so much trouble if Edd gets home before we're done. I'm just so caught up on if we're in love or not, I don't really know myself if I love Tom that way anyway.

I then open my eyes and look at Tom, he looks at me dead in the eyes as he pushes my length in deeper into his mouth, I can eventually feel the back of his throat, isn't he supposed to- oh wait, that's right, he has no gag reflex... man that makes everything so much better.

He starts to pump my member in and out of his mouth, deep throating with ease. God it makes shivers go up my spine every time it hits the end, I wonder if he ever did this stuff to his captor.. I really hate the thought of that.

I can already feel myself needing to climax by the seventh in and out, so without warning, I grip Tom's hair and push him down on my member; I cum deep in and I can see the surprise in Tom's eyes by the small tears trickling down his cheeks.

When I finish up my load, I pull Tom off and you can see Tom has a extremely lewd face on, this makes my heart race. I then normally say, "Fuck that's hot.." I realize how loud that was and panic a bit, but when Tom climbs on top of me again and kisses me that worry goes away- That is until the front door opens.

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