The Plan

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Tord Pov:

It's already been two days after we made our plan, we weren't able to start it since we needed a microscopic tracking bug that was waterproof and wouldn't wash off with the power of a hose or any other type of cleanser which took a long time to make.

But if I'm being honest, I fucking hate our plan with a passion. In our plan Tom has to agree to coming back to that man and having him give back our friends, but depending on how much he might damage the bug by hurting Tom's body it might taking longer to track him down, we don't have the technology to make it invincible.

"Where do you want the bug to be placed Tom?" General Linton asks Tom and I feel shaky, but I refuse to show it.

"Put it far down on my lower back, he's never touched me indecently and he wouldn't go anywhere near my-"

"Wait... He's never.. He's never touched you that way?" I ask in surprise.

Tom smiles and says, "He's always said he isn't a rapist, he's focused more on psychological and physical pain than sexual pain, he said himself that he might be asexual." Wow.. That's such a relief.

"Well that's good, anyway, we need to put this on you and make sure it works, then we have to bring you back home and have you make the call," General Linton says, he seems like he doesn't care too much on our situation, he just wants to get this over with so I can become Red Leader again.

It takes a long time before we arrive back home, which when we do Tom takes the home phone and walks into his room to make the call...

Tom Pov:

I look at the home phone in silence for a good five minutes before I slowly dial in the numbers, once I finish dialing I put the phone to my ear. I then hear a familiar voice say, "Thomas."

"Toby," I reply.

"You've been out of the house for two days, where did you go?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I'll be honest with you," I lower my head, I'm so afraid he'll catch me lying that it's making me choke up. "We went to see a Old Friend of Tord's to see if he could help us deceive you into saving me and my friends both," I gulp. "He agreed to, but when I saw every flaw they came up with he got angry and decided not to help us..." I look to the ceiling to stop my tears. "So I had decided on my own that I will hand myself over, in return that you give Tord his friends back.." I wipe some tears from my eyes. "The reason I'm doing this is because Tord has no one else, Edd and Matt are the only two people that really care for him while I've only hurt him... So please, just this once.. don't deceive us and give Tord our friends back... I promise to stay with you until I die if you do so... I really do promise you that...."

There's a long pause, which I don't notice I wasn't breathing until I hear Toby say, "Alright Thomas, I believe you. I'll have a friend of mine pick you up at your house and I'll have another one of my friends drop off your friends at the Dezmen Hotel, be outside in exactly ten minutes and your friends will be at the hotel in fifteen. I trust you to be outside and alone, I won't be the one picking you up so even if you do attack the driver it won't be me."

"You swear on your life that they'll be there?" I say in a dead serious voice.

"I swear on my entire existence Thomas, now say your goodbyes to your lover and make sure he'll be at the hotel in fifteen minutes sharp to pick his friends up,"

"I will To-... Master,"

"Attaboy," I can sense the smirk on his face as he hangs up the phone, even though he hung up, he can still hear and see me. There has to be millions of cameras and microphones around the house, even I don't know why they're in here, but they are.

I walk out of my room and Tord turns to me, I simply say, "He'll be here for me in ten minutes, but you have to be at the Dezmen hotel in fifteen minutes to retrieve Edd and Matt, it's better if I'm home alone to be picked up thou-"

Tord hugs me tightly before I can fully finish, I hold back tears as I hug back just as tight, Tord whispers into my ear, "Don't die." I move my eyes away from him when he pulls back, he knows I can't promise that.

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