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Tord Pov:

"We got it! The tracker doesn't seem to have been damaged at all!" Tak, One of General Linton's tech people, says enthusiastically which makes me feel relieved, that must mean he hasn't done anything drastic to Tom. "I'll give the coordinates to you Red Leader and I'll inform some soldiers to come with you."

"Thank you Tak," I say with a smile.

"No problem Sir!"

After that we head toward the area in one of the Red Army jeeps, it seems to be somewhere outside of London, like a country-ish area I assume.

Toby Pov:

I look at Toms unconscious body, why did I have to fall in love with someone like him? He's so stubborn and far too smart for me to handle, I can't shed a single lie to him without him knowing the truth and he was always snooping around my area to find some way to escape, even when I manage to get into his head he still snooped around for information, but I guess that might be why I fell so hard for him... because he's just as smart as me.. perhaps even smarter.

I take another puff of my cigarette.. Why did I have to become such a sociopath? Someone who doesn't care about other's pain? I even torture someone I'm in love with, the first person I've only ever loved. I'm insane and I know it, but I still can't seem to get myself off this chair to even just give him a peaceful death in his sleep, it's like I just don't want to see him go.

I love him.. I can't believe I actually love someone.. I love someone who I've tortured to no end and even made disabled.. I.. I love a man. My father would've shot me in the head if I told him I loved a man, he had a shotgun in his hand whenever I would ask to speak to him in private, just in case I had said I was gay.

Am I gay? Who knows, I could just be attracted to Tom but I also like girls, but I could like guys and I just never thought about it until I saw Tom.. five years ago I found someone I loved...

Of course I was considered a kidnapper back then since I had kidnapped four people before Tom, but after the forth one I was starting to give up.. but when I laid my eyes on Tom at that bar, I could feel my heart pounding. I thought it could've been love, but I was so convinced I didn't know how.

When I went up to talk to him, he was drunk off his ass. I had asked, "Hi I'm To-"

But he cut me off by saying, "Fuck off, I'm drinking."

That's when I decided to continue my experiment, with him being my fifth subject. I kidnapped him right when he was leaving the bar, he was so drunk that it was like stealing candy from a baby when I put him in my trunk, he barely put up a fight when I chloroformed him. I remember it like it was yesterday...

But I don't know what to do anymore.. I want to torture him, but my heart says no. I don't know what to do when he wakes up, if not torture, then what else can I do? I can't just sit down and talk with him for the rest of his life as he's blind and has a deep hatred for me, it's impossible.

What do I do?

Tord Pov:

We arrive at a little town, it acts as if it's a wild west town since it's in the middle of what seems to be a desert and all the buildings are made of wood and old fashioned signs, even the women are in dresses.

"He could be in any of these houses," I say and sigh.

"Maybe we should ask around," Edd says.

Edd and Matt thank god were delivered at the hotel as he said, except they were quite harmed. Edd has a broken arm and the word "Bitch" carved into his stomach and Matt has a broken leg and the word "Faggot" carved into his broken legs's thigh.

Edd had insisted he come save Tom while Matt was too traumatized to come along since he had a broken leg and he felt the most terrified in the situation.

Luckily Edd and Matt forgave me since Tom's kidnapper apparently told them that Tom was far more brainwashed than they really thought and that he set up everything to make Tord look awful, I may be happy he did.. but he's still a bastard who deserves to die in a fire.

Edd and I walk into a bar, also known as the saloon. Even the people seem like they are from the wild west. We sit at the bar counter and the bartender asks us, "What can I get you boys?"

"Actually we were wondering if you knew a man named Toby Lee Jenson?" I ask and everyone in the bar gasps, we hear several guns cock behind us. We swiftly turn and several people are pointing guns at us. "Woah what the hell?"

"We don't speak of that name here, where exactly are you boys from?" One of the men in the crowd asks.

"We're from London, we mean no harm. We're looking for a friend that Tob-.. that man has stolen from us. We're just trying to save our friend." Edd says to the crowd and the crowd lowers their guns in awe.

"I told you all!!" A man in the back says then runs up to the front, he jumps on the bar counter and faces the crowd. "I told you he kidnaps people! I told you all! You have to believe that he kidnapped my sister now!!" He seems to be a younger guy and he has a wisp.

The crowd seems so surprised, a man then says, "I thought he just killed women, but this is far worse!"

The guy on the bar counter jumps down on the floor and shakes both our hands, saying, "My name is Deekin, but you can call me Kin! I can bring you to that bastards house! Just follow me!" Kin grabs our hands and drags us out the door, he seems surprised to see our jeep. "Is that one of those mobile machines?!"

"Uuuuh.. Yes?" I answer Kin, man it's like we went back in time.

"If we go in that thing we'll get there much faster! I'll guide you!" Kin says and runs up to the jeep, he seems fascinated by it.

"Is it far away?" Edd asks Kin.

"Very far! Actually it's like a hour out of town if you walk by foot, but if we use this thing we should be there in ten minutes!" Kin says and climbs into the jeep with the soldiers.

"If you say so," I say and shrug.

Tom Pov:

I slowly wake up, my eyes are incredibly sore and when I open them, I can't see a thing. I hear Toby say, "You're awake then." but I remain dead silent. "I'm sorry, I have mental problems, I realize this now. I could easily self-diagnosis myself, but that doesn't really make it official does it." I keep my mouth shut and I lower my head to the floor, I keep my eyes open since there's no point to keep them closed anymore. Toby sighs and says, "I'll... I'll just be quiet."

This silence goes on for a full ten minutes, before there's a loud crash from above, I flinch and Toby says, "What the hell?!"

"Tord!" I scream and smile. "I'm in the basement!! Come get me!!"

"I'm coming Tom!" We hear Tord say and I can feel happiness take over my sadness. "Hang in there!"

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and suddenly Toby says, "Hey! Let go!" and a body being hit on to the floor. "Thomas you lying bastard!!"

I then hear someone gasp and someone running toward me and falling on to their knees, I then get hugged and I hear Tord say, "WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?!" I hug him tightly as bloody tears slide down my face.

"I'm blinded," I simply say and Tord flinches and pulls back to I assume look at me. "Guess this means I really do need someone to take care of me now."


"What do you want us to do with him now Sir?" I hear a random voice say, probably a soldier.

"We're going to bring him back to base and show him how it feels to be tormented for the rest of his life," Tord says in a dead serious voice. "You're going to regret kidnapping Tom. Toby Lee Jenson."

I feel around for Tord's face, when I find it I cup his cheeks and I kiss him. It's all going to be okay now.. Everything is going to be okay....

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