Nerd Mom

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Author's P.O.V:
It was the weekend. Everyone was doing their own thing. Ace is nowhere to be seen. Yarrow and Opel are talking, the boys are just chilling. 'Why won't my gut leave me alone?' Dustin thought. It's been two weeks after Dustin had told Iris where he lives. His gut keeps on telling him he shouldn't have that. Iris had only came three times. Dustin was happy to see her but also concerned. The first time she came. Iris saw Hunter. Hunter was just walking out of the playroom well more like struggling to get out the playroom. Dustin was showing Iris around and ended up stumbling upon Hunter. Iris looked at Hunter as if he killed her family. That gaze was full of hate. Once they left him alone she started acting strange. He of course didn't question it.

Mike's P.O.V
I was just reading a book when I heard yelling from downstairs. That first I ignored it. Soon the yelling kinda got worse. I got up to see what was going on. When I got there all I saw was Ace and Cie fighting for the 15th time today. Yarrow trying to stop them while Jayden was just sitting there eating popcorn while watching YouTube. That's not all. Opel and Aiden arguing about god knows what. Dustin not knowing if he should stop them or not. And finally there was Asher complaining about Hunter I think. I'm not so sure. I stood there about 10 minutes before having enough. "ALL OF YOU STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW!" I yelled. And they all stopped. *sigh* "What happened?" As soon I said that everyone started talking over each other. Jayden was still watching YouTube.

"One at the time!" They all got quite. "Yarrow please explain." "Well Ace put a spider on Cie. Cie freaked out. Ace said something about payback. And that's when they started fighting."
She explained while Cie looked around the room not wanting to look at me. Ace rolled her eyes. Jayden was still watching YouTube.

"Ok then. Ace don't do that you know your brother is afraid of spiders. Cie whatever you did you shouldn't have done it at the first place. Dustin what happened." I said. "Aiden told Opel that amine isn't real. So, Opel got mad and started fighting." "*Sigh* Opel you got to stop getting mad just because someone says something bad about anime. Just like author-chan." "Wait what?" They ask. "Nevermind. Aiden stop starting fights." "Fine and who's author-chan?" "Nobody important. Asher why were yelling about?" I asked him. "Nothing really we were trying to talk but Arya and Kylo couldn't hear me." He replied calmly. " Ok then. Well I think you three should have helped stop those four from fighting." I said. "Sorry." The three reply in the same time. "And Jayden..."

I looked over that him only to see him watch Netflix. ".... You're good."


Author's P.O.V:
After the fights in the living room. Everyone was watching a movie. Well except everyone. In the middle of the movie. Hunter came in the room only to be glared at by Asher. Once he got what he wanted he tried to get out the room. Keyword tried. Since he had a blindfold on it was hard to get out. Once he finally got out. Asher started complaining. "You know I was in a very good mood. At is until HE came in here!" "Big bro please." Kylo tried calm him down. Asher didn't listen and kept on complaining. "If you shut up. We can have whatever you want for dinner." After Mike said that he got quite. "Know everyone else no phones we're still watching a movie." Mike looked over at Jayden who was watching Netflix on his phone. "I guess you're ok."

After the movie Mike started making ramen noodles. Since he promised to make Asher what he wanted. Soon,they were all eating in dining room. Expect Hunter once again. "No phones while eating." Mike said. "Um what about him?" Asked Arya pointing at Jayden who was watching YouTube. "He never really listen to me so let me be." After eating and cleaning up the kids did their homework. Jayden didn't have homework for some reason.

Arya P.O.V:
After everyone was finished with their homework they went to bed. I went to bed and stayed there for a while. After 5 years which was only 10 minutes. I got up and walked up to everyone's room opening the door a little to see if they're safely asleep. People might think it's creepy but I do this every night to everyone well except Dustin and Hunter. Dustin found me out. He said if I stop doing it to him he won't tell anyone else. Hunter has cameras and an alarm to keep him safe at night so I can't get near. I was at Jayden's room the last room of the night. I opened it a little only to see Jayden watching or playing something on his laptop. 'Ok the same as always.' I thought before leaving and going to my room. I closed the door behind me. I got in my pj's and climbed into my bed. 'I wonder what will nerd mom making for breakfast.' I thought to myself before sleep took over.

Words: 888

Chapter 2 is finally finished!!!
That took a long time to think and write about. Hope you enjoyed. Bye now!!

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