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Dunya was really embarrassed as she woke up again after she fainted. She was in Usama's house and she couldn't gather the courage to go out and apologise for worrying everyone.

Why did she have to always embarrass people?

She groaned and as she was about to get up from the bed, there was a knock on the door. Before she could answer, the door was pushed and Usman entered the room.

He was dressed in his police uniform, carrying a tray in his hands. Dunya's cheeks turned red as their eyes met and she lowered her eyes.

Usama cleared his throat. "It's good that you are awake." He put the tray on the bed, in front of her. "I brought your breakfast, you can eat it in here since you don't seem well." He said the last few words with an amused smile on his face.

Dunya blushed even more at his implications. "I am fine, I would have came out to eat."

"It's okay. I'll take your leave now, I need to go." He smirked and turned to leave but not before taunting her. "Agar main thori dair aur ruka, kahin aap phir say behosh na ho jayen." ( I am afraid if I stay for some more time, you might faint again.)

He heard her groan as he left the room, a laugh escaping his own mouth.


He looked at the file in his hand, a frown placed on his face. The more he read the file, the worse his rage and disgust got. His hands balled in fists on the file.

"He is more dangerous than we thought he was. How could we miss this all along? Hell, I am still wondering why he married Dunya's sister or why she married him and they are happy, well she is, until now? He himself has a daughter yet it seems he doesn't have an ounce of guilt in him." Vidaan shakes his head, his lips in a thin, straight line. "Twenty five. Twenty five girls in the span of four years, ranging from 12 to 30, all of them ending dead. How did that scumbag's wife never got a hint of his misdeeds?"

Usama closed the file in a harsh manner, running a hand through his face. "His wife is just a front. A front to show the world what loving and caring human being he is. She just there for his facade to make sure no one suspects his actions."

"But I don't understand why her? He could have married anyone from a rich family like him, why he chose someone from a middle class background?" Vidaan questions, looking at the file again.

"Again, to show the world how generous he is, marrying a woman of lower background than his. Don't you remember his father's politic career was on the verge of collapsing but when the news spread around that his son married a woman lower than him, it soared through because of the fake image they portrayed. He could have hired someone to pretend to be his wife but he knew it would have ended some day but a permanent one would have never. What better plan to portray a clean image in front of the media and raping and killing women behind the scene. He is a serial rapist!" Usama banged his fist on the table. He couldn't even begin to think what the victim and their families had went through. An image of a dead Dunya appeared in his mind and he almost threw his desk away. The anguish he felt was not anything he felt before. It was strong, as if his heart would shatter and rip itself out of his chest. He was grateful that Dunya survived, that she was save from his crutches, a bit beat up but atleast alive.

"Who's the eye witness that you were talking about? The one that is ready to testify against Malik Khawar and Zorawar Malik?" Vidaan questioned sighing.

Usama calmed himself down. "He's the brother of Zorawar's last victim, Maryam. He was there when all that happened with his sister, when Zorawar and his men entered their house. Although he ran away on the order of his elder sister, but he couldn't live with the pain and guilt that he ran away when he should have protected his sister, when his only family member was also killed because of his cowardinace. He came to me a month before Dunya's incident and testified against him. That's how a case against him was open and we could get more information on him." Usama explained, thinking about something.

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