Our Own Destruction

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Global warming was a cold hard fact that we had denied for years, but in the end, pretending the problem did not exist didn't solve the issue, and it won. The rain forest that we burned caused less oxygen for our world,  and do to the climate and droughts less was growing. with less crops and an increase in the insects that were eating them, that left very little food for humans, not to mention the fact of animals that were going extinct. Hurricanes reeked havoc upon coastlines and our world was essential no longer in habitable. Country's loosing resources that had kept them afloat, or even raised higher above other country's soon turned to war, for survival. 

For those of us that did survive, it wasn't  easy, and its still not. With wars that are still going on, our nations leaders running off to space, and very little resources, the human species was left in anarchy. Now it was every person for them self and no one could admit the truth, That there was no survival, that our world wasn't dying, but it was evolving once again, and in order to do that, it would get rid of the week. 


for anyone who would like to use this as a bases for a story, you can find other facts about global warming and its affects online. I recently learned about all of this in my college bio class. another fact to think of is the glaciers melting  and the ancient diseases that are frozen inside of them.

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